Ooo-er..... Dacmagic 2 vs CD192..... but what does it mean?

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I believe that it is important to allow for a good 10-15 year burn in period to really let your components shine.
I'm not surprised at all if older equipment sounds better than modern ones. I'm beginning to believe that modern CDPs are tuned to taste and cost, and for plain jane 16bit/44khz audio 20 year old internal DACs in CDPs are not inferior in any way than current ones.

My Dacmagic 2 just arrived.

Although I have ordered a toslink it has not arrived yet.... so I decided to use the included Cambridge Audio BNC to Coax to use the digital out on the CD192 to test the unit...

I have put the DAC into the DVD line out and can, therefore, switch between the two and compare a single song.

The Arcam is certainly high quality and has a control to it.... but, on first listen, the Dacmagic takes it in terms of seperation and it sounds livelier. The CD192 is not being left for dead... but the Dacmagic is certainly beating (I would say that it might be too lively in some ways - I am listening to Blur 'No Distance Left To Run' single with a 'Tender' remix on the back... the triangles on 'Tender' are brilliantly pronounced but might be too much so for prolonged listening).....

Is this shocking anyone? Or am I being niave in expecting a CDP dac to compete with an external DAC?

Is there a theory behind this? Or is it simply my ears prefer the Dacmagic whereas someone else would prefer the CD192? I mean, to me, it is pronounced... so much so that in the initial shock of it I am wondering if I should sell the CD192........ after all perhaps I can realise its value and buy a less expensive transport.....

Interesting - I've not heard the DacMagic against the 192, but when I heard it against my CD73 the Cambridge DacMagic certainly had more clarity and detail. The amp was Cambridge 840. I don't have any previous experience with Dacs of any kind, so it was fascinating for me to compare.


My friend had a dacmagic 2i, I put it on my marantz cd-63se. The bass extended quite dramatically and dynamic too, the sound became smoother it just sounded more analogue, open and natural, the top end extended too. I heard the new dacmagic isnt as good as the old 2i model - leaner, brighter balance.

It certaintly upgraded the marantz cd63se. I listened to other cd players, like arcam cd73t, creek evo, marantz cd7001 and sonically I liked the dacmagic 2i better. To bad that I had to give the dacmagic 2i back.

There is a good review on it on star online, and hifi world raved about it too, they gave ideas how to tweak it etc.



I'd better step in here or people will think I've left the country. I've said many times before that the DacMagic really begins to shine when fed lossless files. Recently I had a Penguin for lunch and he brought over his Arcam cdp (one if the 63 versions mentioned I think). There was really no comparison so to say the older DM is better than the 15 year old mk 2 is a bit hard to believe. It might be different and it might sound better to some but I don't think you can say it's better outright.

"Recently I had a Penguin for lunch..."

Can I just put on record that NO cannibalism took place, unless Gerro had a chocolate one after I left...
I will let you into a little secret, there is a new DAC magic in the works, keep your eyes peeled might be with us at the end of the year!
plastic penguin:Gerrardasnails:stephennic:


My friend had a dacmagic 2i, I put it on my marantz cd-63se. The bass extended quite dramatically and dynamic too, the sound became smoother it just sounded more analogue, open and natural, the top end extended too. I heard the new dacmagic isnt as good as the old 2i model - leaner, brighter balance.

It certaintly upgraded the marantz cd63se. I listened to other cd players, like arcam cd73t, creek evo, marantz cd7001 and sonically I liked the dacmagic 2i better. To bad that I had to give the dacmagic 2i back.

There is a good review on it on star online, and hifi world raved about it too, they gave ideas how to tweak it etc.



I'd better step in here or people will think I've left the country. I've said many times before that the DacMagic really begins to shine when fed lossless files. Recently I had a Penguin for lunch and he brought over his Arcam cdp (one if the 63 versions mentioned I think). There was really no comparison so to say the older DM is better than the 15 year old mk 2 is a bit hard to believe. It might be different and it might sound better to some but I don't think you can say it's better outright.

"Recently I had a Penguin for lunch..."

Can I just put on record that NO cannibalism took place, unless Gerro had a chocolate one after I left...

Clarified. Chocolate is always better than plastic!

Just like in all British journalism the source wants to remain anonymous, but I can assure you of its integrity.

Just like in all British journalism the source wants to remain anonymous, but I can assure you of its integrity.

There go all sales of the current DACMagic then. Which seems a bit premature, since from what I remember (for I have sources too), this sounds like speculation to me...
I have the older Dacmagic 2i Mk II too. In fact I like this DAC so much I have two - one for my main system fed by a Pioneer PD-S705 Stable Platter CD player as a transport and one in my bedroom system fed by a Marantz CD63 Ki signature. The frontend on my main system CD Player/DAC was bought off eBay for less than £80.

That's the thing about these old DACs - for beer money you can get something really good. I use an old Musical Fidelity x10d tube buffer which really smooths things out. Here's an article about the old version of the Dac:-
Graham_Thomas:I once A/B tested a Beresford 7150 v5 vs my Arcam CD192. Only a tiny scrap of difference to me in favour of the CD192.

Certainly brings you back down to earth when the original RRP of the CD192 at £900 and the Beresford at £100.

Makes me think of how much bang for buck difference any mid to high CD player really has, doesn't it?

yeah but the beresfrod is a dac and the arcam is a transport and a dac and a cdp. lets not forget that actual dac chips themselves arent actually expensive - i read somewhere that even the current upmarket chips are about £20-£30

I have the older Dacmagic 2i Mk II too. In fact I like this DAC so much I have two - one for my main system fed by a Pioneer PD-S705 Stable Platter CD player as a transport and one in my bedroom system fed by a Marantz CD63 Ki signature. The frontend on my main system CD Player/DAC was bought off eBay for less than £80.

I'd like to know what you thought of the CD63KI Signature's internal DAC? I've had conflicting reports, some say 'it rocks', others say it's 'lightweight'?

I found it really interesting that you are using an X10-D, which is doing a similar job to my 'solid cores'. Softens up the signal, and a novel approach to the same problem. Makes me shake my head in awe at the 'quality control' Cambridge Audio must have had when they produced these things.


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