plastic penguin:Gerrardasnails:stephennic:
My friend had a dacmagic 2i, I put it on my marantz cd-63se. The bass extended quite dramatically and dynamic too, the sound became smoother it just sounded more analogue, open and natural, the top end extended too. I heard the new dacmagic isnt as good as the old 2i model - leaner, brighter balance.
It certaintly upgraded the marantz cd63se. I listened to other cd players, like arcam cd73t, creek evo, marantz cd7001 and sonically I liked the dacmagic 2i better. To bad that I had to give the dacmagic 2i back.
There is a good review on it on star online, and hifi world raved about it too, they gave ideas how to tweak it etc.
I'd better step in here or people will think I've left the country. I've said many times before that the DacMagic really begins to shine when fed lossless files. Recently I had a Penguin for lunch and he brought over his Arcam cdp (one if the 63 versions mentioned I think). There was really no comparison so to say the older DM is better than the 15 year old mk 2 is a bit hard to believe. It might be different and it might sound better to some but I don't think you can say it's better outright.
"Recently I had a Penguin for lunch..."
Can I just put on record that NO cannibalism took place, unless Gerro had a chocolate one after I left...
Clarified. Chocolate is always better than plastic!