Online wireless v Ethernet


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi We have recently started playing Fifa 11 online but when we play it wirelessly it is very juddery and the download speed is slow, however when it is connected with tghe ethernet cable, we have no issues. Is there anything that can be done to increase the speed wirelessly?


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Mar 20, 2008
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Changing the channel is worth trying, you may be getting contention from other routers.

What wireless standard does your router use (e.g. 802.11b, 802.11g )? If your router is old, you may be able to get better performance by upgrading the router and or the computer.

Are you a long way from the router - do you need a repeater?

Have you tried repositioning the antennae?


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Apr 7, 2010
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As hammills & Lee H posts above. Another option is download a programe called inSSIder run that & it will tell you what channels your neighbours are on so you can avoid them.

It can depend on your router ( not sure though ), on mine i can go into its menu & prioritise certain bits of equipment connected, to allow a certain bandwidth, wireless or hard wired.

I've always have my PS3 hardwired to it, due to the amount of pc's, laptops & bluRay players in the house, just so i dont get the judder you speak of. Mine allows up to 20mb for wireless bits of kit, so the PS3 gets priority of 30mb & the rest share the other 20mb of my line. I'm using a Netgear router by the way.



Thanks for the advice. As a bit of a techno phobe, i'm afraid i don't know what wireless standard even means! It's 5m from the router. Don't think there are any antennae on it? It's the standard one that sky sent. No idera what DMZ means or Fifa Ports either i'm afraid!

I did see someone recommending the homeplug twin packs which may be an option?


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Mar 20, 2008
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ferris said:
Thanks for the advice. As a bit of a techno phobe, i'm afraid i don't know what wireless standard even means! It's 5m from the router. Don't think there are any antennae on it? It's the standard one that sky sent. No idera what DMZ means or Fifa Ports either i'm afraid! I did see someone recommending the homeplug twin packs which may be an option?

It may say something like Wireless-G on the front which will give you a clue.

5m from the computer to the router is not far so should not be a problem.

You probably would benefit from changing channel, someone on the forum with the same router can probably tell you how to do that (if it turns out to be a linksys, I can probably tell you how to do that).

Lee H

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Oct 7, 2010
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Sorry, it's all too easy to swtich to jargon sometimes.

DMZ - your router has a firewall built in to protect your home network. Many routers also have something called a DMZ. This is a virtual area outside of the firewall. The theory goes that without the firewall getting in the way, the PS3 gets a better connection to the gaming community.

Ports (FIFA is your game ;-) ) Your router has ports, which are basically the gateways to the internet for the game. FIFA will use the same port numbers regardless of the make of your router. "Port forwarding" is the process of telling your router to allow all traffic through those ports, without intefering with it.

If you Google FIFA 11 (or whichever FIFA you have) and DMZ or Port Forwarding along with Sky Router, you should get some intructions on how to do it.

I tend to have my PS3 plugged in to the router as there's a number of phones, a desktop PC, a laptop and Sonos all using the wireless at any one time.

Ravey Gravey Davy

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Apr 28, 2008
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What is making you want to play wirelessly - too many devices plugged in to the ports? or just unsightly cable.

Edit- because if you can have a cable to the PS3 and you have no free ports ,connect one of these to your router (other makes available and 4 port ones also) .It can be next to the router or the PS3 whichever area needs the most connections.


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