Onkyo TX-SR875 for Music ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have recently retired my old hifi to the spare room. It is now connected to my PC so I can listen to music via iTunes. So what I’m looking for is an AV receiver that is musical and can do justice to my CD collection. After six months of buying what hifi the Sony STR-DA5200ES seemed like a good comprise. That was until I discovered the new Onkyo Range. Which appeals due to its future proofing. Having read the recent review of the Onkyo TX-SR875, looks like I might have to up my budget! I know I need to hear it for myself, but I’m just looking for any first hand experience with this receiver from a music/Stereo point of view. Will probably go for a dedicated CD player, any recommendations? To help spread the cost, will be keeping my old TV for now it’s a big old Sony (KV-36FS70/u). As I’m new to home cinema what would be the best connection options with the Sony.

I’ll worry about the speakers and DVD player once I have made a decision on the receiver. (Otherwise my head will explode!)
Well, I've been playing a lot of music through it over the past month or so, and have to say I'm very impressed indeed. Gets even better with a £3000 pair of Musical Fidelity Superchargers between its front left and right channels and the speakers, mind, but very good on its own, too!
If music is your primary concern you may want to consider the Arcam AVR350;although it costs £500 more than the Onkyo. This is not as good as the Onkyo with movie soundtrack, but in as far as music is concerned its the best out there.
I guess music is equally as important as film. Just don't want to spend all that money and be left disappointed with the quality of the music. A friend has the AVR350 and swears by it. I had set a limit of £1000 to spend on the receiver. The onkyo appeals because it can handle the HD audio formats. Thanks for the advice... Perhaps I need to hear both before making up my mind.
Have just been to my local dealer, and have ordered the 875. Should arrive in about a month! (fingers crossed).
Going by all accounts you won't be dissapointed! Its a very good!
Ive had my 875 for about 3 weeks now and im mainly happy with it the sound is very good, but i dont think onkyo have implemented the reon chip very well i get very slight stutter when using upscaling from sky and my xbox! but its fine with my dvd player. To make things worse its not a faulty unit many people in the states have returned there units becouse of this! to me its not a huge issue but it maybe to some.
I have an 875 on order, would I be better running it bi-amped or bridged. Main speakers are Mission 753 Freedoms. Music is higher priority than 5.1 but I will use it for surround as well
garethwd, thanks for the info, I'm certainly looking to upscale from sky. I'll do some research. Does any one else have a view on this ?
im still looking into the upscaling problem, its quite complicated to explain here i can run 576 into the onk and it upscales well with no stutter but if i feed it 1080i and let it deinterlace it stutters every 2 or 3 seconds. if you go and have a look on the avs forums there an 875 thread with quite a few people grumbling about stutter when the reon's engaged but be warned its a looong thread, ive currently got mine set to pass through the video and everthings fine
[quote user="ukemaxxer"]

I have an 875 on order, would I be better running it bi-amped or bridged. Main speakers are Mission 753 Freedoms. Music is higher priority than 5.1 but I will use it for surround as well


I believe bi-amping would be your best alternative.
...As I understand it If I wish to bi-amp my front speakers I'd have to utilise one pair of the rear/side speaker outlets - meaning I can either bi-amp or have a 7.1 setup but not both ....is this correct?

I s'pose that given I listen to more music than films bi-amping is a better bet?


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