
New member
Aug 10, 2019
Sometime ago I purchased a Onkyo CR-315DAB hi-fi unit, which came with a pair of D-N713x speakers. I have only seriously started using the system recently. I find the sound generated by the system very average and I don’t know if the unit is the cause or the speakers. Does anybody know if this system would be better suited with say the Tannoy F1 CUSTOM speakers or should I replace the whole system with something better, I am on a very limited budget. Your help in this matter would be appreciated, I am certainly no expert in hi-fi systems.
The speakers are a weak link and a pair of Tannoy F1s or Wharfedale Diamond 9.0s (or 9.1s if you can stretch) will make a big difference whilst also giving you something to continue using when you do decide to upgrade the electronics.
Thanks for the advice, I will probably buy the speakers first and see if there is a marked improvement.


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