Onkyo DAC-1000


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am receiving this DAC tomorrow. Has anyone else had the pleasure of using it yet? It is new as of last month here in Japan.
You're probably one of the first owners of this device, at least on this side of the ocean.

Anyway, I'm really interested in this machine also but the current information aside from Japanese websites is far from sufficient. If you can describe your experiences soon regarding the Onkyo DAC 1000 that would be gladly appreciated! =)
I managed to find this if you are not already aware of

xtsili: Yeah that's currently the only nice article about the Onkyo DAC 1000 in plain English. I hope more hifi websites will provide some news about this very promising piece of kit though. However, I did use the google and bing translation tools to debug the japanese on websites such as http://kakaku.com/item/K0000173538/ but I can't stand the awfull * engrish * being outputted. =(

The user-scores given on kakaku so far looks good though. =)
I always used to say myself Leon it is worth learning japanese but I considered english to be a better option. If only I knew...

Jokes aside it has a stuning look and reasonable price - in Japan at least
I paid 62,000 yen for it here in Japan.

It hasnt arrived yet. I'll give my thoughts when it does.
The DAC arrived today, My first impression was how heavy is was when I unboxed it. its Solid...

Without a burn in it blows the slightly cheaper dacmagic and other dacs I have out of the water...

Running it through my denon pm-2000se amp into some monitor audio BX6's in a fairly large room the sound stage is immense.

A/B/C comparison with the Dacmagic, ASUS xonar essense stx and the Onkyo has the Onkyo blowing the other 2 out of the water.

Some words that come to mind are "Crisp" "Detailed" "punch"


Some other notes the USB is asynchronous. it has tonnes of input/output capabilities. (no remote came with it)

Though there is a port on the back labeled remote... I havnt had any luck finding any info on that yet.

Tomorrow I will compare it to a rega DAC and any others my buddy will lend me.

Have you made the comparison yet? I am in a hunt for a new dac, so far on my list are Moon 100 or 300, Rega Dac, Denon DCD-2010AE and Onkyo Dac1000. The remote port at the back you mentioned it, it alows you to connect the dac to other Onkyo components that come with remote, like pre amplifier or, and that's a really great news, a brand new, matching digital dock, Onkyo ND-S1000. I wonder if Onkyo will show both in Bristol in couple of weeks time.


The Rega DAC was nice but the Onkyo is much better all around...Rega has all these filters on it...annoying...the Onkyo is set and forget...and has a lot more connectivity and sounds much nicer...
Nice to hear, particularly as the DAC Magic seems to retails for 50-60,00 yen in Japan putting them in a similar price class.

It seems a pretty competitive class. At a similar price in Japan you also have the Chordette gem, Fostex HP-A7 and CEC DA53N (and probably a few others), but did you get a chance to listen to any of these
Just the Fostex, its aimed more at headphones and is no where near the level of audio quality of the Onkyo.

The Chordette is more of a cheap wireless gizmo. I wouldn't think it even comes close to the Onkyo or Dacmagic in terms of sound let alone connect-ability.
Interesting. I think Chord maybe missed a chance by only making it bluetooth and USB. I'd wondered about the Fostex because it uses the same DAC chip as my RZ-1. The Onkyo looks the business =)
BLaZZiN said:
Just the Fostex, its aimed more at headphones and is no where near the level of audio quality of the Onkyo.

The Chordette is more of a cheap wireless gizmo. I wouldn't think it even comes close to the Onkyo or Dacmagic in terms of sound let alone connect-ability.

Blazzin, I am in search for a good DAC and this Onkyo is very interesting option.

Very rich feature set and your responce about the sound quality is promissing.

I wonder if you have done more comparisons and how do you feel about it now few months later?
I had no need to compare it to anything else as I was and am still 100% satisfied with its performance/price ratio.

I have tried it with some different speakers though and the owner of the speakers was amazed.

(he uses a Rega DAC)

I highly recommend this DAC.
Thank you for the prompt reply!

Why I asked is because in Japan the prices for the most popular DACs are quite over the top. I can see local makers like Onkyo and Maranz are on the same scale if not cheaper than other markets.

Now actually I like the idea of DAC-1000 but it is a little over my budget and also may be too much an investment for my current system.

I wonder how it compares to its smaller PC orientated Onkyo SE-U55SX2 (using the BurrBrown 1796)

Here is link from the Japanese page http://www.jp.onkyo.com/pcaudio/usbaudioprocessor/seu55sx2/index.htm

The other option I have is Beresford Caiman+ as they ship worldwide and have very competitive price.

If you are using a PC then buy an Asus Xonar STX (internal sound card) ...they sound great...
No, no PC - actually just received Beresford Caiman Plus (the non-USB version). For PC I (rarely) use Berhinger UCA-202 - AD-DA for editing work and monitoring not HiFi.

Relatively happy with my new DAC but hoped for more. May be not for the price I paid - should have gone straight to DAC-1000 I guess!


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