Onkyo 5008 or pioneer Lx-83 with Monitor audio APEX??


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hello, I am pondering over the following. I allready bought monitor apex 5.1 and want to buy a receiver to drive them.

I can buy the following receivers for approx. 1800 EUR.

Onkyo TX-NR5008 or
Pioneer Lx-83

I listened to the ma apex being driven by onkyo 3008 which sounded great (in my ears). I never were in the position to listen to the pioneer in combination with MA apex.

The cons of the onkyo are them getting really hot while playing. The reviews however are all great.

The pioneer reviews are all great too and the pioneer is using the ICE tech from B&O staying relatively cool while playing.

Does the pioneer match with the MA apex tonally? I read they both are quite bright.

Love to hear everybodies thoughts.


michael hoy

Well-known member

I demoed my Apex with a Onkyo 609 and then a Arcam 500, the Onkyo did not sound bright, the Arcam was the better amp sound wise to me.

However I bought the Pioneer SC-LX72 and to me the Apex - Pioneer combo works very well, the Pioneer does not sound bright and if you check the Apex Club post you will see many others that think this way as well.

Good luck with your purchase.


My SC-LX73 sounds excellent with the Apex, very precise and not at all bright, the EQ takes care of that. I've not heard these speakers with an Onkyo for a while, but I preferred the pioneer. Also although it does not get anywhere near as hot as the 876 I used to have, it's not far off my previous AVR a yamaha 1067, so I would not say it runs cool.
Magdat said:
Hello, I am pondering over the following. I allready bought monitor apex 5.1 and want to buy a receiver to drive them.

I can buy the following receivers for approx. 1800 EUR.

Onkyo TX-NR5008 or
Pioneer Lx-83

I listened to the ma apex being driven by onkyo 3008 which sounded great (in my ears). I never were in the position to listen to the pioneer in combination with MA apex.

The cons of the onkyo are them getting really hot while playing. The reviews however are all great.

The pioneer reviews are all great too and the pioneer is using the ICE tech from B&O staying relatively cool while playing.

Does the pioneer match with the MA apex tonally? I read they both are quite bright.

Love to hear everybodies thoughts.


Hi Magdat

I would not recommend using Apex speakers with the LX83. As good as the LX83 is however i don't feel its tonal presentation is a suitable match for the Apex speakers.

Amplification such as those from Yamaha, Denon and Onkyo have tonal qualities which match Apex speakers and therfore help avoid a cold presentation.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


Well, you are too late. Just ordered the LX-83 as that 1 fits the cabinet the receiver should be housed in. Onkyo is 43,5 cm and does not fit.

Hope I can tweak the sound to my liking. :((


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