What size is your room, and what sub do you have?

Chances are, a single sub is usually more than enough as far as quantity is concerned, but a second sub will give you a more even response throughout the room, and give you more headroom, if it's needed. because you'd be using two drive units to do the work of one, they do less work.
Personally I wouldn't advocate dual PV1's based on the price/performance ratio, as there are some pretty serious £2k subs out there that will shift far more air on their own than a couple of PV1's will. But if larger subs are out of the question, then yes, adding a second PV1 will bring you the benefits I mentioned earlier, as well as easing their workload.
I have the same question...but I have an ATC C1 Sub. I couldn't stretch to a C4 so I got a C1, but I'm wondering if having a second would be helpful--but, I must say, it takes a while to get used to the lack of bass 'flab' that ATC is known/renowned for.
with two subs you will need to reduce the sub's master volume so you will have much more headroom and the two subs will work in a much more relaxed way, the bass distribution will be much better so the response, the downside is that you have a quite expensive sub so two could be difficult to justfy the investment.
Beta4Me:I have the same question...but I have an ATC C1 Sub. I couldn't stretch to a C4 so I got a C1, but I'm wondering if having a second would be helpful--but, I must say, it takes a while to get used to the lack of bass 'flab' that ATC is known/renowned for.

With the C4's extra power and larger cabinet volume, I'd change for a C4. The C4 will have far more headroom and extra depth.
Beta4Me:I have the same question...but I have an ATC C1 Sub. I couldn't stretch to a C4 so I got a C1, but I'm wondering if having a second would be helpful--but, I must say, it takes a while to get used to the lack of bass 'flab' that ATC is known/renowned for.

With the C4's extra power and larger cabinet volume, I'd change for a C4. The C4 will have far more headroom and extra depth.

The C4 isn't available in Australia (and probably would be in the vicinity of AU$5000 if it was).
It's either another C1 for AU$1700 or the SCM0.1/15 for $10,700 (which is way, way outside of my budget!).
On a related note. When I bought my MT-30s a few years back, the guy at the store said he'd sold five M1s and four PV1s to a guy who had a massive space to fill. Christ knows how the M1s coped in a space that needed four PV1s!

I'd like another PV1 but mainly for aesthetic reasons (I've got a bit of an OCD with regards to symmetry).
Unless the sub is in the centre, I would have 2 subs at either ends to produce a balanced sound.
SamsonD:Unless the sub is in the centre, I would have 2 subs at either ends to produce a balanced sound.

Not as much balanced, bass shouldn't be directional (unless its turned up too much). Two subs is more about getting all the room filled with bass evenly. This all makes the bass blend more seemlessly. Making the soundstage a lot more convincing!
Beta4Me:I have the same question...but I have an ATC C1 Sub. I couldn't stretch to a C4 so I got a C1, but I'm wondering if having a second would be helpful--but, I must say, it takes a while to get used to the lack of bass 'flab' that ATC is known/renowned for.

With the C4's extra power and larger cabinet volume, I'd change for a C4. The C4 will have far more headroom and extra depth.

The C4 isn't available in Australia (and probably would be in the vicinity of AU$5000 if it was).
It's either another C1 for AU$1700 or the SCM0.1/15 for $10,700 (which is way, way outside of my budget!).

Any thoughts on this specific scenario?
Another C1 it is then!!
How would I go about doing that?
Is there a better option to eBay? Also, it's pretty new and in absolutely pristine condition. I wouldn't like to make a big loss on it.
I would say that if you can sell it without making much of a loss, something like a C4 would be worth while. If I was to change my sub it'd be something like a C4 or a KEF 209 - the C4 is smaller though


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