One for the team / shop owners / experts re AV Amps....


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Feb 14, 2008
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If i have a budget BD player and speaker package, is it a waste of money to go for a mid range AV amp??

Yamaha RX-V765 and 1065, and Denon 1910 are said to be mid range and all have good reviews. The Sony 800 also has a good review but states 'if its your first step on the AV ladder'.

Its not my first step, but a have budget equimptment.

What Hi Fi often talk of splitting your budget into sections?

Currently I have Sony WE5, Sony BD360, MS Alumni / Aviano and an old Yamaha HTR5540.

What amp would you replace with??


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Aug 24, 2008
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if you like the yamaha sound themn the yamaha.if there is anything you dislike the yamaha , then the denon.


hi nick , my decision was made yday , the rxv765 , now im not going to say how good it is , that would be pointless , what i would say , is that its surprising how quickly the guy i bought from could swap around amps and speakers when demoing ..

i know one still likes to hear other peoples views ,i know , i had everyone wore out on here the last week with questions , but if you could find a spare hour to demo , maybe the store could have similar speakers to your own ready for your arrival ? you can make up your own mind , taking into account what youve learned on here , and what sound you like , i cant speak for all stores , but i found the guy i dealt with in munstersounds to be very patient , and knowledgable , and i left happy i had made the right choice for me ..


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Feb 14, 2008
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Hi max, thanks for the reply.

I know I need to demo. Just really have not been able to find the time (work, work, work).

I would like to know what you think of the 765 when you get time. Curious to know if its your first HD audio av amp and if the difference in sound quality is obvious.

Also, how did you find the auto set up? (if you used it of course)


i cant really comment on the surround hd audio as ive only currently got the two speakers , i did run the auto setup , easy to do , but again , with two speakers it was hardly necessary , it is my first hd audio amp ..

the stereo sound when watching blurays or listening to cds , played on my sony bds363 is fantastic to my ears , crystal clear , punchy , bassy , big smile on the face stuff , more than i expected , although im sure the br5s played as much , if not more of a part in that than the amp ..

im not sure if i needed the 765 over the 565 , but there was only about e80 in the difference , and i felt more assured going for the better specced amp , given that ill be adding a sub , centre and sats soon , to be honest , knowing that your a stickler for fitting the right pieces to the puzzle , i think you should get a good mid range amp , then if in time , you feel you want more from your system , youve only got the speakers to upgrade ?


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Feb 14, 2008
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good shout that mate, get mid range then able to upgrade speakers later. Would give the purchase more life as well.

thats answered that then. Just need to pick one. If the 1065 dropped a bit further in price that would be the one i think. Do £700 amps ever get to £400?......


i dont know what the 1065 brings to the party that the 765 dont , would it be overkill on the kind of setup you desire ? i can turn up the volume to earbusting levels with my setup with no distortion at all , i honestly cant imagine needing a higher specced amp with the speakers i have , i presume the 1910 or 765 would be more than a match for most mid range speakers ..

edit .. unless you wanna have a starring role on the wrong side of neighbours from hell

Frank Harvey

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Jun 27, 2008
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More power can never be overkill. All decent speakers will respond to more power, and this is a much underestimated benefit. If you can stretch to the 1065, which is going for silly money at the moment, it'll be worth it. And I'll second the recommendation that if you like your current Yamaha, replace it with a Yamaha. I find many Yamaha users find other AV amps remotes/menu systems hard to get used to.


oops ,i guess i should let the people that know , answer the question

a little more enthusiasm and budweiser than , er knowledge