Olive 4HD....


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hey everybody and What HiFi team. I've read all about the Olive before when my Brother-in-law in the States showed me some reviews in his audiophile magazines. It won loads of awards last year, so coupled with this great review from What HiFi, it's something im definitely interested in.

Just wondered what you think of this set up everyone...

Olive 4HD

Rotel RA-1520


Im pretty set on PMCs unless anyone really thinks I could do better for the money, and the Rotel has great reviews and a styling that would look great with the Olive. I hate the look of the Roksan Kandy...

and also does anyone know when and where I can get one!
I love the PMCs, but I would also suggest you look at the AVI Neutron V, which is lovely for the money, and everybody's banging on about the EB Acoustics EB1, which seems an alternative, albeit only on a money-back trial basis.

I can't speak for the amp, but I like Rotels very much and would expect it to be very good, particularly with the PMCs or the alternatives I mention. Personally, however, I'd be looking at second hand for the amp, where that sort of money will buy you some spectacular integrateds...
Thanks for that. What could I look at second hand that would be around that kind of money?
Ooo loads of interesting stuff. Naim pre-power combos (just seen one go for 720 quid which would've rocked), Roksan Caspians for much less, Primare A30.1 (dreamy) or even an i30 (dreamier) if you got lucky. Think anything that cost 1500-2k new, depending on how fashionable it was.

However, be warned that this is absolutely a trial-and-error business, because you don't get to audition. You may find that you like a "house sound", though - Naim in particular have been described as "distinctive" (ie love or hate), but if you heard a Naim amp and liked it, you could then look for a second-hand example, for, um, example. You may also find dealers have interesting ex-demo equipment that will bring more esoteric amps into budget...
The Olive does look good an I can't wait to get one in store to see how it compares to the Sooloos. Certainly on paper it is exceptionally attractive.

As for speakers my additon to your list would be the Dali Menuet - a cracking little speaker.
Thats my other option as I download a lot.... I would love to stream but not sure if anything is lost in the air. I stream to my Xbox 360 occasionally, but obviously thats just itunes at various different bitrates. I also like that the music is stored on the Olive and not taking up room on HDDs. I love separates so thought I could add a squeezebox or sonos later and connect to the Olive's DAC and my Amp. Am I right that would work?
pioneerblu:Thanks for that. What could I look at second hand that would be around that kind of money?

Tons of useful kit out there, but there was an absolute star of an amp on the go on Ebay the other week, but is also on the Hi Fi Adverts website (as the Ebay listing has gone unsold). Pioneer SA9500, circa 1977, but reviews from users rate it incredibly highly, the seller was asking £400, but reckon £350 would nab you it.

See also, if you like to clap hands on some classic era bits, Sansui's AU-717 or 719 amps. I just bought the former and waiting for it to arrive, but terrific reputation and can be had for good money. Forget their later 80s or 90s stuff for the most part, the brand devalued sharply around this time. Now, they don't even make hifi I don't think.

For something a bit newer, don't bypass Arcam's A85 or Alpha 10 integrateds, both of which you should pick up for around the £250 to £300 mark and in good nick at that. Both rate well, the Stereophile review for the Alpha 10 really sings its praises.

Lastly, depending on the sound you like, don't write off the chances of picking up the Unison Research Unico amp. Beautiful design and could be yours for around £500 or so.


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