Old system, where would I see improvements in a more contempary system


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Aug 10, 2019
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Some recent damage to my speakers has made me consider changes to my current system

I currently have a system assembled in the 90's comprising:-

Marantz CD63 SE CD Player

Pioneer PMA400 Amplifier

Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE floor standing speakers

I have always been really happy with this system, I find it is incredibly detailed  and a very fast and agile in it's presentation, although with some music it can sound a little icy (Oasis first album being typical).

I was wondering if any part of this set-up may be improved with more contemporary components eg Cyrus CD player etc.

I would really like to keep the detail and speed, but wonder if this is possible whilst adding a touch of smoothness to the top end.

I have a notional budget of about £1,000, but only want to change if I will notice a real difference.

Any suggestions guys? 


Well-known member
I think you are going to find it hard to significantly improve this system and its going to take some very careful auditioning to get it right. It sounds like you are generally very happy with its sound so tread carefully. Go out and listen to the kit that takes your fancy and arrange home demos of items so that you can hear them in your own system. Don't change anything until you are absolutely confident its represents a significant improvement without changing the sound signature of the system.


Could maybe try a NAD C355 to replace the A400 and a NAD 545BEE CDP.

the record spot

matthewpiano:I think you are going to find it hard to significantly improve this system and its going to take some very careful auditioning to get it right. It sounds like you are generally very happy with its sound so tread carefully. Go out and listen to the kit that takes your fancy and arrange home demos of items so that you can hear them in your own system. Don't change anything until you are absolutely confident its represents a significant improvement without changing the sound signature of the system.

Agree. I'd be very careful about changing anything here unless there's a major step-up. You could try using the CD-63 as a transport and sticking on a Stello Signature DAC (£650 before the price rises), but check the character of the Stello first. Highly recommended DAC though by all accounts.


Inter 84:
Could maybe try a NAD C355 to replace the A400 and a NAD 545BEE CDP.

Well actually, I would try some different speakers and leave those as they are: I urge you to try a pair of KEF iQ30s or iQ50s depending on choice and their rival, the B&W 685s, but also try some higher end models such as the Neat Motive 2s and ask yourself whether the difference is worth it.

the record spot

iQ30s over MA Studio 20SE's??? Have we been overdoing it on the gripe water there H?

Sorry, but the KEF's would get utterly walked over by the latter. In fact, KEF Reference might be a better bet. There isn't a speaker less than £1k in the iQ range that could hold a candle to the Studio 20s - brilliant speaker in 1995 and not a lot will have changed in the intervening years IMO.

Good advice lad, swap a pair of £x-thousand speakers for a £250 pair...


the record spot:iQ30s over MA Studio 20SE's??? Have we been overdoing it on the gripe water there H?

Sorry, but the KEF's would get utterly walked over by the latter. In fact, KEF Reference might be a better bet. There isn't a speaker less than £1k in the iQ range that could hold a candle to the Studio 20s - brilliant speaker in 1995 and not a lot will have changed in the intervening years IMO.

Good advice lad, swap a pair of £x-thousand speakers for a £250 pair...

Well it doesn't hurt to try - you would be suprised how much speakers have improved; the iQ30s will challange any speakers up to £1k today and the MAs are 14 years old. Just an opinion, of course, as always...

the record spot


And another one for the MA's.

So, you've had these KEF's for about a month or so right? And they'll challenge any speakers up to £1k...? They might well do, but expecting them to come out on top is another matter maybe!

You've either been very busy skiving off the school, or you're making a subjective assessment of the iQ30 and '50 capabilities (as we all do with our kit to a degree), but blanket statements like that one come right out of "all the w's dot hyperbole dot com"...good effort though!

EDIT: ...and whilst I might be surprised by how much speakers have improved since I were a lad, the technology hasn't improved that much, else I wouldn't be sitting with 14 year old speakers myself!


the record spot:http://www.sdinfo.com/volume_2_4/v2n4v.html

And another one for the MA's.

So, you've had these KEF's for about a month or so right? And they'll challenge any speakers up to £1k...? They might well do, but expecting them to come out on top is another matter maybe!

You've either been very busy skiving off the school, or you're making a subjective assessment of the iQ30 and '50 capabilities (as we all do with our kit to a degree), but blanket statements like that one come right out of "all the w's dot hyperbole dot com"...good effort though!

EDIT: ...and whilst I might be surprised by how much speakers have improved since I were a lad, the technology hasn't improved that much, else I wouldn't be sitting with 14 year old speakers myself!

Well, it sounds fantastic to my ears and very rarely does that happen - think of the 685s, they just didn't gel in any way.

the record spot

Well, for you maybe not; that doesn't make the 685's bad news any more than it makes the iQ30s big hitters at up to £1000. Think about some of the speakers on the go from Leema, Quad, Roksan, B&W, Wharfedale, Klipsch and the rest....that's some boots that need filling thar!


the record spot:Well, for you maybe not; that doesn't make the 685's bad news any more than it makes the iQ30s big hitters at up to £1000. Think about some of the speakers on the go from Leema, Quad, Roksan, B&W, Wharfedale, Klipsch and the rest....that's some boots that need filling thar!

Leema - never heard them. Quad - good, but too contrained in the bass. Roksan - those new ugly looking ones I heard briefly and they were very, very good! B&W - Nope, nothing here. Wharfedale - They never get the timing right, but the tonality of the Opus2 M1s was magical - lightyears ahead of even the KEFs, but just not fast at all. Klipsch - despise them...

the record spot

Leema Xero, £650. Apparently superb standmounters. Klipsch new RB range? Looks very good, if they sound half as good as the photos appear to, even I might upgrade...!



the record spot:Leema Xero, £650. Apparently superb standmounters. Klipsch new RB range? Looks very good, if they sound half as good as the photos appear to, even I might upgrade...!


They look horrible, in my opinion. They look like the kind of speakers you find in Cash Converters pretending to be B&Ws, but selling for £80 brand new.


matthewpiano:I'm aghast. £250 book shelf/stand mount speakers as a potential 'upgrade' for MA 20 SEs???? The world really is going stark raving bonkers.

BTW, what is 'HughesFi' Jake?

They are very nice speakers, you should try them - so much better than the iQ3s that it's scary!

As for HughesFi, it's my new business that I'm creating: We basically design hi-fi components (mostly amplifiers) for companies if advice is needed and hopefully we will branch out into hi-fi design and manafacture per se. If I have no success from all the companies I can get hold of, I'll try and do it on my own! I built a MOS-FET amplifier and completed it using a new approach I have invented and hopefully I can sell it to a company and from that money set up our family business.


Im loving the look of those bad boys. Hoep you can pick em up cheaper than £650 though, plus they better be up to scratch in the sound department.


Well-known member
matthewpiano:I'm aghast. £250 book shelf/stand mount speakers as a potential 'upgrade' for MA 20 SEs???? The world really is going stark raving bonkers.

BTW, what is 'HughesFi' Jake?

They are very nice speakers, you should try them - so much better than the iQ3s that it's scary!

As for HughesFi, it's my new business that I'm creating: We basically design hi-fi components (mostly amplifiers) for companies if advice is needed and hopefully we will branch out into hi-fi design and manafacture per se. If I have no success from all the companies I can get hold of, I'll try and do it on my own! I built a MOS-FET amplifier and completed it using a new approach I have invented and hopefully I can sell it to a company and from that money set up our family business.

I'm just happy to be getting to know my Quad 11Ls cheers. They are looking beautiful on my Atacama Nexus 6s.

I'll respond to the HughesFi bit in the dedicated thread...


Wow guys, my query seems to have generated some healthy debate, which is great.

You know, there has been a lot of sensible comments made in this thread, and yes, I am very happy with my current system.

I was very lucky and quickly got to a combination of components I was happy with. ÿI had a number of amplifiers before the Pioneer, some much more expensive, but the Pioneer sounded stunning from the get go.

With the speakers, I was searching for detail, speed and tight tight bass. ÿI started out with Wharfedale Diamonds (like a lot of people!), upgraded to Mission 780's which kept me happy for a few years, at least I thought I was happy until I heard the 20SE's. ÿThey were a revelation, like nothing I had ever heard before. ÿThey even made Adam and the Ants sound good (seriously, the twin drummers used on most of their albums can make your jaw drop first time through the MA's). Although, the amp and speakers have to be really warmed up so as not to be too biting

Ultimately, a long enough time passes, and still reading magazines like What Hi Fi from time to time, when a product gets rave reviews like the Cyrus CD player, it does make you wonder if the march of technology would make the sound of my system obsolete.

In a sense, I'm both pleased and disappointed. ÿPleased at now not being tempted to spend money for what may be a little improvement, also a little disappointed that I won't have that reaction of wanting to play all my CD's again all at once just because they sounded so different (and better) from what I had got used to.

Many thanks for those of you who took the time to comment and advise, it was a genuine pleasure to listen to your thoughts and enjoy the debate


Hughes - You are one funny guy!

I'm going to beat you to market with my custom speakers made from buiscuit tins and pigskin!