No signal from PS3 to Samsung LCD?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, can anybody please help

Ive had to dig out my old Samsung ( LE32R41BD ) for something to watch as my main TV has broken on me, I pluged my PS3 straight into the one and only HDMI port on the back, cycled to the HDMI input with the sorce button and it just says 'Not Supported Mode' No picture, sound nothing?

Am i right in thinking this could be because when using my PS3 on my bigger 1080p TV i had the resoulution in the PS3 settings set for 1080p and the older Samsung is a HD ready 720p set and does not compute!!

If so how can i get round this ? i cant put the PS3 on the other TV to change these settings?

Please help, its likely my other TV's going to be in repair for a while and my BD player dosnt work on the Samsung either ( same 'Not Supported Mode' ) i could really do with something to watch DVDs etc and game on

Appreciate any suggestions, cheers
I am not familiar with Playstations but is there not a a component or composite video out that you can connect to the TV while you change the settings?

Your BD player would almost certainly have component out phono sockets.
Off the top of my head, I think what you do is:

-Put the PS3 in stand-by.
-Press and hold the on button.
-Wait about 5 seconds, it should beep again.

That should reset the video output to 480p.
Nice one, Cheers alwatson that has done the job, i should read the instuction books i guess but the box/booklet and all the original component cables etc are in my parents loft i think? that was going to be my next move so you've saved me the bother

Cheers guys



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