Next week demo B&W vs Monitor Audio


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2009
Hi folks,

Next tuesday I have made an appointment to demo the Monitor Audio RX6 vs B&W 684.

I will demo them on the rotel 06se amp + marantz cd 8003.

Are their any other speaker I should demo in this price range?

I think monitor audio vs B&W is a little black and white, you like the B&W or the Monitor Audio. But maybe their is a speaker who is in the middle of these 2?

The main alternative would be the KEF Q500, but this model will be at a 'disadvantage' compared to the other two as it's smaller, and uses smaller bass drivers. It will suit smaller rooms and will work closer to the wall than the other two, but will lose out in scale in a larger room in direct comparison.

There's a bigger difference between the KEF and the other two than there is between the MA and B&W.
hi Frank,

What size room / listening distance / distance to walls would be ideal for the B&W and Monitor Audio?
Dont discount the QUAD 22L2's if you can demo them as well; superb speakers

Having heard all 3 speakers for me personally it'd be the M/A RX6's and QUAD 22L2's closely followed by the B&W 684's. The Rotel/Marantz combo you're demoing will make all 3 speakers sing superbly so only you'll be able to make the decision.

Are you able to demo other Rotel amps or maybe the likes of NAD or Arcam etc... The NAD C356BEE amp would be a superb amp to go for, for me it'd drive the speakers better than the Rotel.

The QUAD and M/A RX6 speakers both fire backwards (as well as the RX6's being front ported) ao they like a good 30cm of space behnd them (min) IMO. The B&W's breathe better in space as well...
maxflinn said:
i think the dynaudio dm 2/7s are much better than the rx6s.

I wouldnt agree with that comment at all...

They're all superb speakers and all fight in the same price range etc...

It's all dependent upon personal music tastes and hearing as well as what amp/CDP combo is being used and cabling etc...
poldo said:
hi Frank,

What size room / listening distance / distance to walls would be ideal for the B&W and Monitor Audio?

This really is room dependent, but you'll be looking about a foot/foot and a half in some rooms. You won't really know until you try it. Generally, solid walls reflect bass energy back into the room, partition walls soak it up, and you're able to place them closer.
hifilover1979 said:
maxflinn said:
i think the dynaudio dm 2/7s are much better than the rx6s.

I wouldnt agree with that comment at all...

They're all superb speakers and all fight in the same price range etc...

It's all dependent upon personal music tastes and hearing as well as what amp/CDP combo is being used and cabling etc...
i did say "i think" 😉

edit.. i agree the amp plays a large part, cdp much less so and cables none at all, in fact room acoustics may play the biggest part imo, with my room being so reflective the dyns rich sound and velvety top end really suits, but i guess in a well damped room the rx6s may put up more of a fight...
Does anyone demo/have the AVI ADM 9.1 speakers?

for 1,200 pounds + stands + apple tv you have for less then 2 k a total hifi system?

when you compare

dynaudio dm 2/7 + amp + cd player vs the AVI ADM 9.1? What would be the difference in sound?
poldo said:
Hi folks,

Next tuesday I have made an appointment to demo the Monitor Audio RX6 vs B&W 684.

I will demo them on the rotel 06se amp + marantz cd 8003.

Are their any other speaker I should demo in this price range?

I think monitor audio vs B&W is a little black and white, you like the B&W or the Monitor Audio. But maybe their is a speaker who is in the middle of these 2?


If you can up the budget a little definitely listen to Totem Arro. They blow my RS6s into next week; beautifully musical and I honestly prefered the overall tonal balance to the Spendor A5s, which I heard at the same time. Another little (brucie) bonus is their flexibilty. I absolutely love them.
FrankHarveyHiFi said:
The main alternative would be the KEF Q500, but this model will be at a 'disadvantage' compared to the other two as it's smaller, and uses smaller bass drivers. It will suit smaller rooms and will work closer to the wall than the other two, but will lose out in scale in a larger room in direct comparison. There's a bigger difference between the KEF and the other two than there is between the MA and B&W.

After demoing all three of these speakers, I defo recommend hearing the KEF Q500's......I found the vocal side to these speakers extremely good (although the Q700's were even better!!!)

All three sets of speakers are very good'll be down to personal choice.

My Q500's are in a 14' x 12' room, and produce very good bass, compared to when I demo'd them at David's place......I was intending to use the sub with them, but it's not needed in my lounge at all.

In the demo, I found the MA RX6 had extremely good bass extention, as did the B&W. But in hindsight, I think both would have been too much in my lounge, after hearing the Q500's bass improved so much.

My demo did use an AV receiver, so I imagine all three will sound even better attached to the stereo amps you have mentioned. I've recently unearthed my old Pioneer A-605R stereo amp, and the Q500 are at another level with it, in comparison to the Denon receiver. I'm loving cd's again, after 3 years of unsatisfactory AV receiver use......

Enjoy the demoing process.......and if you live near Coventry, I highly recommend spending an afternoon with david at Frank Harvey's.....
Pistol Pete1 said:
FrankHarveyHiFi said:
The main alternative would be the KEF Q500, but this model will be at a 'disadvantage' compared to the other two as it's smaller, and uses smaller bass drivers. It will suit smaller rooms and will work closer to the wall than the other two, but will lose out in scale in a larger room in direct comparison. There's a bigger difference between the KEF and the other two than there is between the MA and B&W.

After demoing all three of these speakers, I defo recommend hearing the KEF Q500's......I found the vocal side to these speakers extremely good (although the Q700's were even better!!!)

All three sets of speakers are very good'll be down to personal choice.

My Q500's are in a 14' x 12' room, and produce very good bass, compared to when I demo'd them at David's place......I was intending to use the sub with them, but it's not needed in my lounge at all.

In the demo, I found the MA RX6 had extremely good bass extention, as did the B&W. But in hindsight, I think both would have been too much in my lounge, after hearing the Q500's bass improved so much.

My demo did use an AV receiver, so I imagine all three will sound even better attached to the stereo amps you have mentioned. I've recently unearthed my old Pioneer A-605R stereo amp, and the Q500 are at another level with it, in comparison to the Denon receiver. I'm loving cd's again, after 3 years of unsatisfactory AV receiver use......

Enjoy the demoing process.......and if you live near Coventry, I highly recommend spending an afternoon with david at Frank Harvey's.....

As you said the stereo sound is going to be a lot different in comparison to the AV amp sound so the speakers should sound at their best IMO with the Rotel and Marantz combo
poldo said:
Does anyone demo/have the AVI ADM 9.1 speakers?

for 1,200 pounds + stands + apple tv you have for less then 2 k a total hifi system?

when you compare

dynaudio dm 2/7 + amp + cd player vs the AVI ADM 9.1? What would be the difference in sound?

Obviously, this is something you need to try out for yourself. Some people find the ADMs lack bass with some types of music. Others feel it is simply better at accurately tracking it instead. There is of course the option of the AVI Subwoofer at around £800. That's something you could always add later if you wanted to. In the end, there's no substitute for you hearing them in person - at £1125 a pop, it's the only way. They are, however, incredibly well specced and if you follow the "measurement is all" logic, then look up the spec sheet and buy them as that seems to be all you need to do (hello HDD-ers!!).

As a source, I find the Apple TV 2 a frustrating and limiting product. Little things put me off it on a grand scale - no 1080p for one thing, apparently it also fails to seamlessly integrate with the settings on Apple's on iTunes EQ facility which if true is really quite slack, they dropped the HDD which was a nice addition on the previous model. Yes, it's meant to be a smaller and neater product, but it delivers less in real terms than the likes of Sony wireless network player that handles more audio formats, streams HD quality from its own movie library, Lovefilm, BBC iPlayer and effectively all of the options you have on the company's TVs and Blu-Ray internet capable players. It costs about £120, but you'll nab it for £99 if you shop around. The same price as the Apple. Okay, there's no hard drive on that either, but there was never one to miss in the first place. Gret job Sony. Bad Apple (sorry...). I know it has its fans, but the review I read in A.N. Other title (can't recall which one now) gave it a two star review and that's bang on. Great at what it does for the spec it has, but a step off the pace when it really needn't have been.