New topic: Zingers from the AVI website!


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2012
I propose that we maintain a topic devoted to ridiculous and/or stupid things gleaned from the AVI website. Of course, AVI is a great company, but not all great companies have great websites.

To qualify as a zinger, the info that you post ought to be either part of the marketing information presented by the company, or a claim made by a forum moderator. Not fair quoting just anyone from their forum since any forum can have a troll or too.

If it's okay with everyone, I would like to start. In a recent forum discussion about Naim's £125,000 amp, demoed at CES, one forum member wondered what this amp would sound like paired with really high end speakers, such as the flagship Focal Utopias, and how that would compare to AVI actives. The response from the AVI moderator:

'Doesn't need to be flagship, no passive speakers with those amps, regardless of how good they are will be as enjoyable and relaxing to listen to as DM5s. Big speakers with lots of crossovers and multiple drivers are a mugs eyeful, loud etc, but for critical listening DM5s will be better.

Sounds unlikely, but I'm pretty sure of that.'

Just to review, the Focal Grande Utopia has two 16" woofers, twin sandwich cone midranges, and a beryllium tweeter. It also uses absurdly high-end crossover components, and is the statement loudspeaker from the speaker company with some of the deepest pockets on the planet. The AVI has a 5" paper cone woofer, is built from 12cm MDF, and includes a nice 100 watts multichannel amp and an electronic crossover, all for well under a grand.

Who's next?


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