New System for my Dad


New member
Aug 10, 2019
My parents visited last week and while my dad was here he said he was thinking of buying one of those bose wave systems.

He's listened to one before and not liked it because of the fact you cant have stereo speakers, but(in the shop atleast) i thought it sounded pretty good (at the time).

I'm pretty sure he can do better for the £400 ish it'll cost, but i have no idea what.

They currently have a pioneer mini system, my old one which is ok, but he now wants better ( probably due to my system which he said is "Too Good"
), but not room for a full separates system.

Not sure what the budget would be, they're well off, but since my mum isn't a big spender on hobbies he'll probably want to keep it to a few hundered.

Any ideas? when i read the reviews i think they all fit the bill (4* plus ones obviously)

think they'll really just need radio, cd and a tape deck would be nice to have. possibly something he can plug a memory stick/mp3 player into as well so an aux in atleast would be good.

thanks, i've suggested that and a solo mini as a pricier (i think) alternative.
Yes, the Solo-Mini is £750 new. (No speakers, no cassette deck)

I sold my old one recently for £500 and my fingers were almost bitten off in the process!
ouch, i thought it was about 600 but i guess that may have been a couple of years back, figured he could maybe find an ex demo version for in budget.
A vote for the Denon from me, paired with a pair of Tannoy F1 Custom speakers. Should cost you no more than about £300, and the Tannoys leave the Denon speakers for dead.

I've just moved to that very system from £1k + worth of seperates in an effort to be able to focus on enjoying the music more instead of listening to the 'hi-fi' and I'm very, very pleased indeed.

Make sure he budgets for some decent speaker cable and stands and he'll have a cracking compact system that he will never need to make any excuses for.
I read the title and thought you were swapping a system for your Dad! I go with Matthew on that.
Have to agree with mathewpiano and chebby. For £400 the DM37 is pretty much untouchable. Good choice of speakers to go with it, Tannoy, Wharfedale, MA, MS, and still change left over for speaker cable, stands etc.
I've been told from a friend of mine that the Technics KIT-SC-EH790 is a quality piece of kit,

Hope this helps you. I have sent you a photo for reference.

Never really been a fan of NAD equipment. the sound quality is very harsh and may not be suitable for your dad
i could give him my old 320bee and b&w's (which i offered him and he turned down) but its also a space issue so any proper separates are out.
My Dad really likes the sound of the Denon, so thanks for suggesting it. He's not sure about the speakers because of needing to be used close to a wall, so i'm pushing for the front ported f1's as they should be better, or maybe the warfdale mercury 9.0/9.1's

Hopefully he'll make a trip to richer sounds soon and have a look/buy it.
Well my Dad finally got his new system set up on thursday night (i think), just intime for my visit at the wekend.

He's really pleased with it, straight out of the box. I had a bit of a listen over the weekend and have to agree it sounds great.
I assume he went for the Denon. Glad he's pleased with it. Which speakers did he go for in the end?


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