new speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
over the next few weeks i am going to audition new standmounts for my ca 840 amp and cdp.first on my list are the neat motive 3 is this a good starting point.can you guys help with any other suggestions for me to try. my room is 12ft i am aiming for small standmounts.any suggestions are greatly accepted...
If you like smooth, clear and detailed then try Spendor. Not sure what the budget is but I heartily recommend the SA1, superb!
Proac have released the 1SC replacement, the D1. Either try them or find a deal on some 1SCs. Again, superb speakers.
thanks for that .i have partington broardside stands and i could afford the sa1s if they would be ok on my stands as buying spendors sa1 stands would put me over budget.i am just going to find out a bit on proacs new d1 as i want to give the tabllet 8s ago aswell.
The Partington stands would be good for the SA1. I have mine on filled and rather heavy Apollo A4/6 stands and it works well.

I tried the Proac Tablette Ref 8 Sigs against the SA1s and found them a little bass light in comparison. I also found their presentation to be a little less natural and brighter. Damn good speakers though and it's down to taste and matching. The big brother 1SC or D1 would probably be a better comparison. I found the rear-ported 1SC a bit of a gamble for my room acoustics so went for the sealed SA1 instead.
Another speaker to try to hear is the Yammy Soavo, and as a thought I heard some Spen S5'es being driven by a Cambridge a little while back, and they did match each other very well. If you have the space for them instead of stand mounts, there are some good priced units around at the moment with the A5's coming into the market.
great ideas thanks all.i am going to pop to guildford next week as i hope i can hear the neat motive 3s and the spendors at the same time.i am using chord odessy 2 speaker cable and chord anthem 2 xlr connections will thes be ok with the spendors..
...and source
im am just looking for my dumbells to build myself up as the amp takes some lugging around if i can get an audition booked for next week i shall take the lot along.
When you think you have found the right speakers, ask for a home audition for a couple of days. How a speaker performs in a dem room can be quite different to the way it sounds in your own home. The only way I've finally found the right speakers is by trying a few different ones at home. The speaker/room interaction is a vital part of the equation.
thats a good idea. how does that work. do you pay for the speakers upfront and then return them if they dont work out at home.
this post from my own demo of standmount speakers may help a little

Neat Motive 3 or PMC DB1i were my favourites
gofoon:thats a good idea. how does that work. do you pay for the speakers upfront and then return them if they dont work out at home.

I've generally found that a dealer will take a deposit and ask you to sign a form saying that you accept responsibility for the speakers whilst they are in your care. Not all dealers will do it, but many will and I think its crucial with speakers. Many hi-fi shops are closed Sunday and Monday so I generally find that is a good time to borrow something (because if they are closed they won't need them for in-store demos). Its one of the many advantages of building a good rapport with a decent dealer.
Leema Xeros - £650 - superb for the money and good across the treble - midrange - and bass. Would definitely shortlist them.
IME dealers will ask for full payment on the units before you take them. Of course, you would never run away with them because they'll be the demo units!


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