Sorry, I made a mess of my last post. I meant to say that the Bxs are pricier and and by general reputation should be better- but I haven't heard them. As I say, the Tannoy V1i is reviewed in the current WHF magazine, and although it got 4 stars, Dali Zensor 1s and Q Acoustics 2020is were more favoured, with the QAs edging ahead for sound quality and having greater ease of placement. The BXs were not in the test. .
Additionally, if you click on my posting history you will see I took part in a thread called "Question to Matthew Piano (and others)". If you go throuigh the thread far enough Matthew and one or two other members gave interesting opinions on the BXs, including sound quality and positioning. That might help you a lttle on the BXs. Sorry I confused you with the previous post.