New nad amplifiers...the on/off switch

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[quote user="amarocknrollstar"][quote user="marcymarc555"][quote user="Eddy Current"]

but in these more green issue aware times I would have thought manufacturing things needlessly designed to be left on standby is unacceptable.


Couldnt agree with this more,


It's all just a bunch of tree hugging hippy cr*p![/quote]

What a silly thing to say, get over your own life and get in touch with the real world.
[quote user="marcymarc555"][quote user="Andy Clough"]
Hi-fi and home cinema components generally perform better when they've warmed up, so in the past we have recommended leaving them in standby so they're at their best as soon as you start listening/viewing.

However, in these more energy-conscious times, leaving things in standby has become an important Green issue. Many manufacturers are working hard to reduce the energy consumption of their products in standby, but if you're trying to save electricity, then switching things off after you've used them is the best bet. It just means you may have to give your amp, CD player or whatever time to warm up a bit when you next use it.

Last year Dixons urged manufacturers to abolish standby on all their electrical products, which caused a bit of controversy, as we reported here. We spoke to a number of hi-fi manufacturers to canvass their views.


Hi thanks for the reply,

The thing is it doesnt explain why after all the said above Nad have chosen to add a feature whitch actually promotes the use of the stand by button rather than get rid of it???


Nobody knows mate, you aren't going to get a good reason for this off anyone. Email NAD and ask what they're playing at.
[quote user="fergs"]Has anyone worked out how much it would cost to keep the c355bee in standby mode per day/week/month??? there must be a bean counter who fancy's a challenge on here??? someone stated the cyrus costs £30 per year.....[/quote]

If the artical about dixons is all correct then your average amp on stand by for a year will be the exact same as keeping a 40W light bulb on for a full i reckon that would be an easier calculation.
[quote user="fergs"]Has anyone worked out how much it would cost to keep the c355bee in standby mode per day/week/month??? there must be a bean counter who fancy's a challenge on here??? someone stated the cyrus costs £30 per year.....[/quote]

I read somewhere (online) and I can't find it again for the life of me...that the NAD consumes a lot whilst in standby, certainly more than a lightbulb. I haven't tested this personally though, it's just what I've read. I'd be happy to learn otherwise as this could prove to be quite a disastrous on/off switch for NAD.
[quote user="Wild Willy"][quote user="fergs"]Has anyone worked out how much it would cost to keep the c355bee in standby mode per day/week/month??? there must be a bean counter who fancy's a challenge on here??? someone stated the cyrus costs £30 per year.....[/quote]

I read somewhere (online) and I can't find it again for the life of me...that the NAD consumes a lot whilst in standby, certainly more than a lightbulb. I haven't tested this personally though, it's just what I've read. I'd be happy to learn otherwise as this could prove to be quite a disastrous on/off switch for NAD.[/quote]

i think its time for trevor baylis to step up to the plate again, he really has something to offer in terms of energy generation/consumption...
[quote user="amarocknrollstar"]Is perhaps the purpose of this not maybe to hide the switch to discourage people from using it? I've always been led to believe that an amp should always be left on. Therefore, no real need to have the button on the front.[/quote]

Prett much sums it up afaik
I always leave my stuff on
I always thought the warm up thing was a hangover from the old days of valves but then nobody would dream of leaving a valve amp on continuously.. Would they???

Come on guys, turn your stuff off and save your bills and the planet. You can't really hear a difference with transistor stuff, you're imagining it.
Solid state kit DOES sound better after a 20-30 minute warm-up, when all the components are running at normal operating temp. Leaving an amp on standby won't, as far as I'm aware, leave ALL components at normal operating temperature - it will just leave the standby circuit switched on. Seems daft to me, you could leave the thing on standby via the remote and then switch it off at the unit if necessary, so why the need for a front-mounted specialist standby button is beyond me. Still, it's pointless debating this as they now have these buttons whether some of us like it or not.
[quote user="Wild Willy"]olid state kit DOES sound better after a 20-30 minute warm-up[/quote]

In your opinion.
[quote user="Sprockens"]
[quote user="Wild Willy"]olid state kit DOES sound better after a 20-30 minute warm-up[/quote]

In your opinion.


Well yes and in my experience too. I'm not saying that solid state kit needs 'burn in' when new, just a warm-up period when cold.
I emailed NAD about this new on/off switch and this is their reply to me:

Thank you for your recent request via the NAD Electronics web-site.

The vacation switch is intended to be used when the amplifier won't be used for an extended period of time - as when one goes on vacation or holiday. For everyday use it is asumed that most users prefer having the remote control active. With the Vacation Switch set to the 'off' position the remote control is not functional.

In addition to the convenience of remote operation, there is a real performance advantage to keeping all the AC mains voltage and current as close to the AC inlet as possible. Running AC to the front panel past sensitive audio circuitry degrades the noise and distortion performance. The front panel switch only sends a low level logic signal to the actual relay switch located close to the AC inlet. In every aspect of the NAD amplifier design short signal paths are optimized and islolated, resulting in class leading performance.

Best regards,

NAD Electronics
This is actually a really interesting thread, and deserves a more generalised thread rather than just being under NAD amps. I've gone from being a CO2 causes global warming believer, to a complete sceptic and am now in a middle fence sitting position where, basically, from the arguments I've heard from both sides I really don't have a clue!

I think the main thing I've learnt is, whichever side of the fence you sit on, no one denies, global warming is occurring (in the main scientific community anyway). The main argument is whether it's caused by CO2 or not. This then translates within this thread to whether it's caused by us leaving our equipment on standby, or whether it's something natural we have no control of.

My own belief, whichever argument is right is, (a) let's not take any chances and try and switch off our equipment as much as we can. I admit, I don't do it all the time, but as long as I do it 95% of the time, I think that's pretty good. Even if you think it's all a load of baloney, just think, imagine if you are wrong. It's not a lot of effort is it?!; And

(b) I just wish people would stop spending so much money trying to determine whether it is CO2 causing the issue or not, and rather they spend the money looking at solutions to alleviate the issue. Let's face it, barring a revolutionary new, efficient energy producing technology which can be rolled out, en masse, in the next few years, CO2 targets by most countries will be missed (due to the effect making the targets would have on the economy, and no western government worth its weight will let that happen as it's political suicide). We need solutions people, not blame cultures!

Anyway - pretty heavy post for WHF website! I'm sure discussions and disagreements with my views will carry on now!


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