[quote user="marcymarc555"]
[quote user="Wild Willy"]Yes, I agree totally. With the old-style NAD power button you could still turn it on & off via the button ON THE FRONT or leave it on standy via the remote. Now we can turn the amp off via a button AT THE BACK, or leave it on standby via the remote...or leave it on standby via the button on the front. Surely nobody would walk up to the amp in order to leave it on standby, they'd use the remote??? Oh and is the rocker button on the back of a decent enough quality to withstand many years of constant use, or is it not really meant to be used that often? I would switch the unit off via that button after each and every use. I think this new system sucks. Not enough to stop me buying one of the amps but it's a definite negative IMO. Leaving anything on standby uses electricity.[/quote]
Agree with you also mate,
Totally baffles me it really does, as sad as it sounds i think this little glitch is enought to make me not want to buy this amp, i refuse to use stand if possible as said and dont really want the bind of having to switch my amp fully off at the rear at all time after time after time 🙁
why couldnt they just of put it at the front even if it ment having the 2 seperaete switches still?
To be fair it's not that hard to get to, unless your amp is pushed into some IKEA-style shelving system. On a normal rack you can get to the button quite easily as it is just around the corner at the back. It's still a pain however and as you say, I can see absolutely no reason for it! I fear NAD are going to get slated for it. An alternative would be to put the unit into standby via the front button and then switch off the power plug at the mains socket. You just shouldn't have to do this though.