I didn't realise I never replied on here! Here's a C&P of what I said somewhere else...
Immediately, the SR7005 sounded much better, far more like a real hi-fi system. Bass was far better controlled, treble was tidied up,
So there's a quick comparison for you.
Bit late coming to this review, now that it is run in properly how does the 7005 compare to the Dedicated Marantz Stereo Amplifiers such as the PM8003 for 2CH Duties, I currently Run a SR6003 and a pair of MA6100's in to some B&W 805's I love the sound but I'm tentatively looking at my next step and am Torn between bigger better AV or Stereo.
I run almost exclusively from iTunes and Apple TV with lossless audio, now so need to consider DAC options if I went stereo..