My other half has given me permission to convert the "cupboard" under the stairs (big cupboard, you can stand up in there, loadsaroom) into a media library and AV rack room. It's next to the living room and within a few metres of where the TV will go (when I've bought it...), so an hdmi cable run shouldn't be too difficult, but I have a couple of questions:
1) One of the fuse/circuit breaker boxes is in this cupboard, so it strikes me as sensible to have a new spur taken off it so that all the AV stuff is on its own circuit, with a power smoother/thingy to provide a nice clean supply, but how much current will a 7-channel amp (think decent Denon or something like that), Blu-ray/DVD player, SkyHD box (and a Sonos ZP90) draw? It'll mostly be the amp obviously, but could I get away with a spur from a 16amp breaker or would I need to use a 32Amp one (I have one of those free as it happens)?
2) I'll be trying to hide the speaker cable, but it'll be difficult because we have cob-stone walls, so chasing channels will be impossible. The alternative is flat speaker cable to hide under the carpet or wallpaper, however searching the reviews section I can't find any reviews of flat speaker cable, so what would be a reasonable cable for say an amp in the £500-£1000 region with speakers such as the B&W 685/6 or something similar?
3) The left, right and centre speaker cables will all be coming from the same place and will be following the same path for the majority of their run, is it ok to lay them right next to each other like this or will it introduce crosstalk between the cables?
4) Are there any in-ceiling left/right/rear surround speakers (I like dipoles for the diffuse soundstage) that are actually any good? SWMBO is balking at the idea of speakers mounted on the walls, so this might be my only option for the rears and surrounds.
5) Any one know what the minimum radius bend you can put in a Van den hul flat hdmi cable is before the copper starts to crack and weaken (similar question for speaker cable I guess)?
6) am I taking on far too much and should I get professionals involved instead?
1) One of the fuse/circuit breaker boxes is in this cupboard, so it strikes me as sensible to have a new spur taken off it so that all the AV stuff is on its own circuit, with a power smoother/thingy to provide a nice clean supply, but how much current will a 7-channel amp (think decent Denon or something like that), Blu-ray/DVD player, SkyHD box (and a Sonos ZP90) draw? It'll mostly be the amp obviously, but could I get away with a spur from a 16amp breaker or would I need to use a 32Amp one (I have one of those free as it happens)?
2) I'll be trying to hide the speaker cable, but it'll be difficult because we have cob-stone walls, so chasing channels will be impossible. The alternative is flat speaker cable to hide under the carpet or wallpaper, however searching the reviews section I can't find any reviews of flat speaker cable, so what would be a reasonable cable for say an amp in the £500-£1000 region with speakers such as the B&W 685/6 or something similar?
3) The left, right and centre speaker cables will all be coming from the same place and will be following the same path for the majority of their run, is it ok to lay them right next to each other like this or will it introduce crosstalk between the cables?
4) Are there any in-ceiling left/right/rear surround speakers (I like dipoles for the diffuse soundstage) that are actually any good? SWMBO is balking at the idea of speakers mounted on the walls, so this might be my only option for the rears and surrounds.
5) Any one know what the minimum radius bend you can put in a Van den hul flat hdmi cable is before the copper starts to crack and weaken (similar question for speaker cable I guess)?
6) am I taking on far too much and should I get professionals involved instead?