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- Oct 22, 2008
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Blunny89:I think my DAC is now the weakest link in my system... If I had up to £800 to upgrade what would everyone recommend? Do you think this would be the best investment for my cash?I also plan to upgrade the mains cable on the Roksan amp and the Chord Crimson interconnect soonish.Cheers
I'd suggest trying the Benchmark DAC1 or PS Audio Digital Link iii. Either should be a worthwhile step up from the Cambridge. As excellent value as the Cambridge is for the money, it is not going to better or be as good as £800 DACs. There is always better available for more money (it's just a matter of whether the difference in price is worth it to you).ÿ
Now whether an £800 is overkill for your setup is another issue altogether. I'm not sure you need to spend that much, but if you do you'll at least have a product you won't need to upgrade when you eventually replace the amp/speakers.
Finally someone mentioned reviews in HFC and Stereophile. I haven't read the group test in HFC, so I won't comment on that one, but all the reviews I've read for the Cambridge indicate that it is excellent for the money, but that better is still available. Stereophile rated the DACmagic as Class C (Class A is the best), while the Benchmark is rated Class A (so they clearly see a significant difference between the DM and more expensive DACs).
All that said, I suggest getting a Benchmark/PS Audio from somewhere with a good return policy... so you can see whether the improvement is worth it to you....
It seems like its going to be pretty hard to get a demo of either of the DACs. Apparently the PS Audio DAC can only be demo'd in Kent and I am clueless to where the Benchmark can be demo'd. Thank you for your input though, I am considering upgrading my DACMagic power supply and maybe doing the hardware upgrade now.
I'm sure that isn't the case- worth ringing a few more dealers you may be able to get to. Audiovenue would definitely offer a demo! and I'm sure other of the bigger suppliers would too. as for Benchmark, a list of dealers will be available on the website. If all else fails and this is an avenue you still wish to persue, you should be able to order one on the basis that you can send it back should it not fit your requirements.ÿ
Blunny89:I think my DAC is now the weakest link in my system... If I had up to £800 to upgrade what would everyone recommend? Do you think this would be the best investment for my cash?I also plan to upgrade the mains cable on the Roksan amp and the Chord Crimson interconnect soonish.Cheers
I'd suggest trying the Benchmark DAC1 or PS Audio Digital Link iii. Either should be a worthwhile step up from the Cambridge. As excellent value as the Cambridge is for the money, it is not going to better or be as good as £800 DACs. There is always better available for more money (it's just a matter of whether the difference in price is worth it to you).ÿ
Now whether an £800 is overkill for your setup is another issue altogether. I'm not sure you need to spend that much, but if you do you'll at least have a product you won't need to upgrade when you eventually replace the amp/speakers.
Finally someone mentioned reviews in HFC and Stereophile. I haven't read the group test in HFC, so I won't comment on that one, but all the reviews I've read for the Cambridge indicate that it is excellent for the money, but that better is still available. Stereophile rated the DACmagic as Class C (Class A is the best), while the Benchmark is rated Class A (so they clearly see a significant difference between the DM and more expensive DACs).
All that said, I suggest getting a Benchmark/PS Audio from somewhere with a good return policy... so you can see whether the improvement is worth it to you....
It seems like its going to be pretty hard to get a demo of either of the DACs. Apparently the PS Audio DAC can only be demo'd in Kent and I am clueless to where the Benchmark can be demo'd. Thank you for your input though, I am considering upgrading my DACMagic power supply and maybe doing the hardware upgrade now.
I'm sure that isn't the case- worth ringing a few more dealers you may be able to get to. Audiovenue would definitely offer a demo! and I'm sure other of the bigger suppliers would too. as for Benchmark, a list of dealers will be available on the website. If all else fails and this is an avenue you still wish to persue, you should be able to order one on the basis that you can send it back should it not fit your requirements.ÿ