New DAC - Bryston BDA-1


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Just picked up a new BDA-1 Dac from Bryston. I have also upgraded all the interconnects with King Cobra Balanced XLR cables. I am just a few days into the burn in but already am really impressed with the sound. More detail and much bigger sound stage. Combined with the BP 26 it really is a great combination for all my digital music. Anyone else using the BDA-1?
Now you just need the rest of the Bryston boxes
Now you just need the rest of the Bryston boxes

lol The writing's on the wall...
WestCoastFun:Just picked up a new BDA-1 Dac from Bryston. I have also upgraded all the interconnects with King Cobra Balanced XLR cables. I am just a few days into the burn in but already am really impressed with the sound. More detail and much bigger sound stage. Combined with the BP 26 it really is a great combination for all my digital music. Anyone else using the BDA-1?

How much were the Cobras? Your system deserves my Columbias and mine deserves your Cobras! I won mine on eBay for just over £100 and sold my Chord Chorus II XLR cables for £180 - and the Columbias are fantastic!
WestCoastFun:Just picked up a new BDA-1 Dac from Bryston. I have also upgraded all the interconnects with King Cobra Balanced XLR cables. I am just a few days into the burn in but already am really impressed with the sound. More detail and much bigger sound stage. Combined with the BP 26 it really is a great combination for all my digital music. Anyone else using the BDA-1?
Hi WestCoastFun,

What did you upgrade from?

Now you just need the rest of the Bryston boxes

You got that right 🙂

I am happy with my Bel Cantos, but have my eye on either a pair of 7BSST2 or the 14BSST2. Hopefully by fall. I will move the Bel Cantos to the bedroom system.
Now you just need the rest of the Bryston boxes

You got that right 🙂

I am happy with my Bel Cantos, but have my eye on either a pair of 7BSST2 or the 14BSST2. Hopefully by fall. I will move the Bel Cantos to the bedroom system.
JohnNewman:WestCoastFun:Just picked up a new BDA-1 Dac from Bryston. I have also upgraded all the interconnects with King Cobra Balanced XLR cables. I am just a few days into the burn in but already am really impressed with the sound. More detail and much bigger sound stage. Combined with the BP 26 it really is a great combination for all my digital music. Anyone else using the BDA-1?
Hi WestCoastFun,

What did you upgrade from?


I have the BP26 with the built in Dac; and also a DacMagic. The BP26 did not have enough inputs and did not accept optical. The Bryston external Dac offers more inputs plus some definite sonic benefits.
Just a quick update - I have already put lots of hours on the DAC and it is sounding GREAT. I had a problem with the SLR cables and had to send them back so I'm still waiting for them to be replace. The single ended cable I am using is a good quality one however. I was told that it can take a couple hundred hours to burn in; I'm certainly more than half way there 🙂
hi westcoastfun,i use the bcd1 cd player which i believe has the same dac and i am very impressed with the performance of the cd player with the bryston amps,the only slight drawback i have come across,and it isnt a complaint,is the soundstaging,though i have read in the absolute sound mag that this can be improved with the use of isolaton cones,i havent tried this yet,anyway as im sure you already know its a quality product and the bryston amps are highly recommended by me if your thinking of going that way.
pommie steve:hi westcoastfun,i use the bcd1 cd player which i believe has the same dac and i am very impressed with the performance of the cd player with the bryston amps,the only slight drawback i have come across,and it isnt a complaint,is the soundstaging,though i have read in the absolute sound mag that this can be improved with the use of isolaton cones,i havent tried this yet,anyway as im sure you already know its a quality product and the bryston amps are highly recommended by me if your thinking of going that way.
I believe (may be mistaken) that the dac in the CD Player is the same as the dac in my preamp. Apparently the BCD-1 uses a single Crystal CS-4398 chip and the BDA-1 uses two independent DAC chip's - again the Crystal CS-4398. The BDA-1 uses two independent power transformers for the initial stages of filtering and regulation (taken from their web site). I do know that I hear a more expansive soundstage with the BDA-1 vs the pre-amp. I am very happy with what I am hearing. I have not tried isolation cones; but am planning on getting a pair of 7B-SST2 amps before next Christmas. I have heard the 4B-SST and thought it was marvellous. You must be thrilled with the squared version.
vinod_david:Hi West:

Why one-line space between the B&W and MA speakers in your signature, anything to fill soon ?

I have two systems that I listen to regularly. My living room has the Bryston BP26 DA, Byrston BDA-1 Dac, Bel Canto REF 1000's, the Bel Canto PLayer PL2. and the Monitor Audio GS 60's. It is a big room and the B&W's just are a bit too small for it. The other system is in my bedroom/den which has a Cambridge Azur 640a, a Cambridge T160 tuner, Cambridge DacMagic and the B&W 802's. 90% of the music I listen to is streamed with the Sonos system. I also have a home theatre setup downstairs which the kids use.
The gap is because I have not listed everything. I am also planning on adding a pair of Bryston power amps and a pair of Diamond 802's. I really like the B&W sound. The Bel Canto's will move to the bedroom system and the Monitor Audio's will go down stairs to the home theatre system.

The gap has so much depth to it.

It does. I am actually going to end up selling a few things. Most notably I don't use discs of any kind anymore.
hi westcoastfun,if you liked the 4B-SST and you liked the bryston sound,and you obviously like the bp26 then i think you will love the 7B-SST2 mono operation - so much control and effortless presentation,lucky man - ENJOY.
pommie steve:hi westcoastfun,if you liked the 4B-SST and you liked the bryston sound,and you obviously like the bp26 then i think you will love the 7B-SST2 mono operation - so much control and effortless presentation,lucky man - ENJOY.

Thanks pommie steve. I am positive that I will love the 7B's. No one near me keeps it in stock, but I have do doubt that I will be more than satisfied. Hopefully I will have them by fall.
Well I thought I would put a cap on the thread. Now that I am a couple of weeks further in with the Dac I must say that I really am pleased with my purchase. The sound has opened up nicely and bass is somewhat deeper and more defined. Any slightly rough edges are gone. When I am feeling energetic I am going to hook the B&W's up for a listen. The room is a bit big for those speakers, but I really am anxious to hear them with the Bryston Dac.


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