New Cornershop album - Hampstead dinner party soundtrack or actually quite good?

Charlie Jefferson

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
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I'm a fan dating back to pre-Brimful times, and I've really enjoyed my first listen to the new album, but part of me is ready for the backlash that may accompany it's release.

The Punjabi-only vocals of Bubbley Kaur dominate proceedings, and certainly create a different sound palette to my other purchase today, The Vaccines' debut. The former is infectious, dazzlingly recorded and festooned with Anglo-Indian pop magic tunes.

Tjinder Singh is a pioneer of pop, to my mind. Less a visionary and more an emblem of the country we live in. However, this new release made me think back to how Paul Simon's Graceland became a de rigueur dinner party fave for that cursed breed, the bleeding heart liberal.

Is it going to happen with this too? Probably not the worst fate that could befall it in these post-Barnsley Central by-election times, but you get my drift?


Is it better than "Judy sucks a lemon"? (which did and was compared to Handcream IMO... Still good, just not quite such a ground-breaker...)

Re dinner party music, I doubt you have much to fear, but if you find yourself subjected to a BHL dinner party, at least Tajinder and the boys can take your mind off all those pesky discussions about moral relevatism, growing your own veg, world politics, basket-weaving collectives, democracy in the near/middle east, and the new VW golf... ;-)

Charlie Jefferson

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
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Hi Fred K,

Not sure if i can deem it "better" than Judy Sucks A Lemon, too different to compare. That said, and maybe because it's the new thing, I'm loving it. Just had a second partial play on my walk to work. The semi-detached BNP estates of Castleford, where I work, rang out to this lovely hybrid this foggy morning. At least in my headphones. Be banished Griffin!!!

And as you say, the music's a great antidote to the aforementioned conversational emetic.


Well-known member
Presently loving it. I was a one album fan 'When I was born for the 7th Time', now a two album fan.

Horror of horrors, it was a favourite dinner party album


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