New amp - choose from...


the record spot

Leema Pulse Cambridge Audio 650A Yamaha AS700 Yamaha AS2000 Looks like I'll be needing to spend more on the Sansui, not which of these above and why folks? Looking to buy in person, rather than distance purchase, and these are the good options based on reviews, and sound quality I like. Any comments anyone?


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Aug 24, 2008
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leema dont know.s2000 no.s700 maybe.650? maybe.the s700 will be more versatile with the loudness variation button


Find yourself a used Quad 909/99. It'll be the last amp you buy, not just because of the legendary customer service (I see a personal trend here

Failing that, get a Quad 405 and Netaudio to upgrade it. There's plenty of pre-amps about to make it work well.

If I had a grand in my pocket to buy new only, I expect I'd be saving for a Nait XS. But I wouldn't buy new.

the record spot

Meant to say, not going down the used route again (with the exception of dealer arranged), fingers burnt with the Sansui, superb though it is, it's another little tweak I can do without just now.

NAD C355 also...

(Thanks for the suggestion though Igglebert - appreciate it)


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Sep 6, 2007
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Leema Pulse


Arcam A28

Rotel RA1520

Creek Evo II

Roksan K2

Not sure on your budget but the above would work very well IMO

the record spot

Nope, drawing from the list I gave, available locally, so discount Arcam, Rotel, Creek and Roksan - budgeting up to £699 absolute max. Hence ex-dems come in to play here.

Edit: Need to be able to try these ones out, avoid distance buying, secondhand (unless via a dealer) or the like. Sorry to be so picky!


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Sep 6, 2007
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Deffo see if you can get a Rotel RA1520 then but also demo the NAD C355BEE anf the Creek Evo II.

It's a shame that you'll not consider 2nd hand as I'd say keep an eye out for an Arcam FMJ A32 OR, if you fancy a change, a Cyrus 8vs2 partnered with a PSX-R

The Yamaha AS2000 amp is a gorgeous hunk o machinery BUT it's VERY smooth indeed and may be a bit too laid back. It's a fair powerhouse though so should be demo'd if just to rule it out IMO


From that list, try the Yamaha AS2000 first. Next, any NAD you can lay your hands on for audition. Just double check you can't find any Quad though

the record spot

LOL, well, can get Quad, but it's the 909...!

Reckon I'll be taking my kit in with me, unless it's the NAD in which case it'll be trying out in the shop (Richer Sounds in Edinburgh - £249 is too good a price to ignore here, plus the power amp option in the future, hmmm...!), but I'm flexible.

The Sansui is the best thing I've heard, but needs someone who can devote a little time to it. It's like a classic car - great fun, like a dream, but needs more TLC so not suitable.

This time, it's the pre-out switch, needs a blast of deoxit and so on. Back to the repair shop, but then it's going on the market. If I can make what I paid for it on Ebay, I'll be happy (£200), someone will get a refurbed, service, recapped and working amp. I just need the music minus the repair time!

Current preferreds are: Leema - £1300 down to £699, not to be sniffed at, great reviews, like, everywhere. NAD - £499 down to £249 in Mr. Richer's place in town. Option to add a power amp. Similar power ratings, 80wpc...the Leema's the better one of the two by far, but the NAD does a bunch of stuff right. The Yammy 2000 is a tasty old amp and has a 5 year warranty with it...tricky!


I auditioned the Quad 909/99 and thought it had a lot of raw power but very unrefined, very unmusical.


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Sep 6, 2007
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the record spot: NAD - £499 down to £249 in Mr. Richer's place in town. Option to add a power amp. Similar power ratings, 80wpc...the Leema's the better one of the two by far , but the NAD does a bunch of stuff right.

How do you know?!?! Have you demo'd them both?

the record spot

Nope, but the paper spec, the reviews, build...the Leema's the better amp of the two at this stage. Everything else is preference.


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Sorry it hasn't worked out RS, although I'm amazed the amp needs the input selector switch cleaning when it is supposed to have been serviced. This guy doesn't sound very thorough!!

I agree that brand new or ex-demo is the way to go and I think the Yamaha A-S1000 or A-S2000 are very tempting propositions although I do agree with Dan's caveat about them being overly smooth.

Whilst I agree with you completely about the Leema overtly being better built and spec'd than the NAD, don't under-estimate the latter, particularly given the current pricing.

It is a real shame that Rotel is not available to you. Their RA-06SE would be quite similar in sound to the Sansui and it is a very well built and nicely designed piece of kit. Is there no chance at all of your travelling a bit further afield for an audition just to get this right?

the record spot

Hi Matt - the input is fine, this is the pre/power selector at the back. I have some sympathy with the engineer in fairness, but just tiring of it all really.

I'm sticking to Edinburgh and Leven / Glenrothes (where Audio Emotion and Jordan Acoustics are located). Not short of good dealers here, but unless they stock it, I won't be travelling to Glasgow, Newcastle, etc., to hear it. Good or no!

The NAD 355 at £249 is a steal I think, but decisions, decisions. The Sansui was a big step up - the presentation took on a whole new life, much more fluid, lifelike and dynamic. Whatever I buy will need to step up to that.

The 717 is going back in today, after that, it's going on sale. It's like a classic car - terrific fun, but needs TLC and I haven't the time, sadly, to give that just now.


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Sep 6, 2007
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the record spot:Nope, but the paper spec, the reviews, build...the Leema's the better amp of the two at this stage. Everything else is preference.

That maybe so but you wont REALLY know until you demo them both!

Everything points towards the Primare and Naim amps being hell of a lot better than the NAD C355BEE BUT for me neither of them came up trumps whereas the NAD ticked every box I required.

You are looking at 2 ends of the spectrum though when it comes to the Leema and the NAD; the NAD being a top-end midrange amplifier and the Leema being in the early stages of the top-end amps etc...


If you like the cyrus sound (not sure if you do) then go for the 8vs2. Great amp, and can be had for under £600 new, or about £450 second hand.


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Jun 2, 2008
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Why not the AVI ADM9.1s?

Personally, from your list, I would try out the Yamaha A-S700 and the CA 650A. With a maximum budget of £699 you could afford the CA 650A/650C combination (and the RS 5 year cover on both which will give you peace of mind.)

Alan Sircom found the CA 650 system capable of getting excellent results from £1000 speakers and his magazine (HiFi+) elected it 'System of the Year' for 2009. (Bear in mind the runners up were the Sugden Mystro amp/CD at over four times the price of the CA gear!)


NVA AP50 @£650? Distance, but try at home and can return within 30 days if unhappy


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Sep 6, 2007
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potboyslim:If you like the cyrus sound (not sure if you do) then go for the 8vs2. Great amp, and can be had for under £600 new, or about £450 second hand.

I agree; as I said in my ealier post an 8vs2 with a PSX-R would make for a great addition


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Why not the AVI ADM9.1s?

Personally, from your list, I would try out the Yamaha A-S700 and the CA 650A. With a maximum budget of £699 you could afford the CA 650A/650C combination (and the RS 5 year cover on both which will give you peace of mind.)

Alan Sircom found the CA 650 system capable of getting excellent results from £1000 speakers and his magazine (HiFi+) elected it 'System of the Year' for 2009. (Bear in mind the runners up were the Sugden Mystro amp/CD at over four times the price of the CA gear!)

Chebby - RS doesn't need a new CD player. The Marantz is better than the CA 650C.


RS I'd be going with the NAD or the cheaper Yamaha with your speakers. The others from your list would be overkill, and NAD can usually cut it with speakers way above its price. Only heard the Yamaha once and thought it OK. Yamaha gear is usually both well-made and reliable.

Be an interesting comparison with the NAD and the CA 650. I've not heard the latter, but if it's true to the usual CA sound it will be drier and more analytical than the NAD. By the way, Marantz CD players and NAD amplification usually go well together.

the record spot

d_a_n1979:the record spot:Nope, but the paper spec, the reviews, build...the Leema's the better amp of the two at this stage. Everything else is preference.

That maybe so but you wont REALLY know until you demo them both!

Aha, exactly! Indeed I won't Watson, but, dammit, the Pulse gets SUCH a good write-up and the sound quality appears to tick all the right boxes, plus the blend with the Marantz and Missions could work well together.

But you could say that of the NAD too...

the record spot

potboyslim:If you like the cyrus sound (not sure if you do) then go for the 8vs2. Great amp, and can be had for under £600 new, or about £450 second hand.

I'm sure it is pbs, but the thing is this whole brightness issue with Cyrus kit. Match that up with the current CDP and speakers and it's all pointing towards the smiley faced shiny shiny sound. Okay, probably just very detailed and clear, but I need something that's going to keep the treble in check, without being too warm, but with plenty of bottom end to balance out the upper and midrange.

James Morrow (another Edinburgh dealer) does have some good kit, including Cyrus, Audiolab, etc etc. He's obviously on the list to visit as he's just around the back of Arthur's Seat and across the Meadows from me.

Er, that last sentence presumes a working knowledge of bits of Edinburgh...!

the record spot

Why not the AVI ADM9.1s?

Personally, from your list, I would try out the Yamaha A-S700 and the CA 650A. With a maximum budget of £699 you could afford the CA 650A/650C combination (and the RS 5 year cover on both which will give you peace of mind.)

Alan Sircom found the CA 650 system capable of getting excellent results from £1000 speakers and his magazine (HiFi+) elected it 'System of the Year' for 2009. (Bear in mind the runners up were the Sugden Mystro amp/CD at over four times the price of the CA gear!)

HAHA! Actually, had I the required £1200, I'd be doing exactly what I'm doing with the rest of the kit here, shortlisting them! I think for the money they're a fine product. Not quite convinced by the "better than anything else costing thousands more" rationale, shrewd purchasing from cheaper territories reaps rewards and good design have produced results, but they are undoubtedly a fine product and good to see a British firm cutting it at the high end.

Matt already mentioned this, but am very happy with the SA7001-KI; it's been a fine buy and nailing it for half price a couple of years ago was a bonus. It cuts right through to the heart of a recording and it's just a pity the model wasn't covered by WHF against the rest of the then competition. C'est la vie.

The 650A amp is shortlisted, no question. Not sure about the styling, but that's a secondary issue. The Alan Sircom review made me sit up as did the recent review in Hi Fi World. This one doesn't sound like it may be quite as bright as its predecessors. The 650BD is tempting too of course, but I have all my sources covered just now I think...!

the record spot

Rob_manchester:NVA AP50 @£650? Distance, but try at home and can return within 30 days if unhappy

Ooooo, forgot NVA...that's a maybe! I'll check over their website again. Good tip Rob!