New adventures in hi fi!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have finally bought myself a hi fi system after months of deliberation. After reading article after article, review after review, forum post after forum post, I realised that I was never going to acquire the knowledge I was after without diving in and familiarising myself with a hi fi sound. This coincided with the Richer Sounds deal for the What Hi Fi budget system of the year so I just went for it. I figured that if I don't have the knowledge I may as well listen to the people who do! So, I went out at the weekend and returned with a Marantz CD6003, PM6003 and a pair of Wharfedale 10.1s. The OH has insisted that this is a Christmas present so after a weekend of listening to my new toys, it has been snatched away!

I would now like some suggestions of budget appropriate stands and cables. I have a budget of about £150 (roughly what family members will spend for my birthday and Christmas presents) with the proviso that the stands must be black and girlfriend approved!

I must say that this will be the first Christmas in ages I have actually been looking forward to opening my presents!!!
Thanks for the response Matthew, I have come across these a lot and Atacama are one of the manufacturers mentioned on this forum so I did have these earmarked. Personally I like them but as all the equipment is black, including the TV, and Blu Ray, I think that might be a clincher! Any advice on the speaker cable/interconnects?

....... The OH has insisted that this is a Christmas present so after a weekend of listening to my new toys, it has been snatched away!

....... the stands must be black and girlfriend approved!

Rant. What is it with girlfriens/OHs and wives. Why cant they just EDITED BY MODS leave us to what has to be one of the most harmless, artistic, relaxing, romantic, exciting, inspiring, health improving, mentally stimulating hobbies that there is? End of rant.
Its not as bad as you make it sound!! Music is a shared hobby and she will have just as much enjoyment out of it as I will, but for a set up that will dominate a fair portion of the room, the focal point of the room at that, she just wants to make sure it looks ok. Compromise is the key, and I'm sure we will find one!
Cowps:Thanks for the response Matthew, I have come across these a lot and Atacama are one of the manufacturers mentioned on this forum so I did have these earmarked. Personally I like them but as all the equipment is black, including the TV, and Blu Ray, I think that might be a clincher! Any advice on the speaker cable/interconnects?

I'd strongly recommend Chord Company Crimson for the interconnect and their Carnival Silverscreen for the speaker cable. Its just untouchable at its price IMO.
Thanks mate, I'll look into that. I've noticed that the Nexus 6 are available in black too so I may just follow your suggestions. I must admit the high regard you had for the Marantz combo helped me make my decision too, especially after seeing how much kit you've been through. I don't expect that I'd get through that many changes in 2 lifetimes, but who's to say. I hope not!!!
idc:Rant. What is it with girlfriens/OHs and wives. Why cant they just EDITED BY MODS leave us to what has to be one of the most harmless, artistic, relaxing, romantic, exciting, inspiring, health improving, mentally stimulating hobbies that there is? End of rant.

Last I heard no-one was forced at gunpoint to share their life with a wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, civil partner, cohabitee or fellow collector of soft fluffy model animals...
Rant non 2. Imagine this on an alternative forum; 'I want to get a new dress but my boyfriend/OH/husband wants me not to bother with such frippery and wear old sacks instead. He thinks that dresses are far too expensive and that they just look too much. Has anybody got any suggestions as to a company that makes nice sacks?' That is the equivalent of asking us to not indulge in hifi. End of rant non 2.

I would now like some suggestions of budget appropriate stands and cables. I have a budget of about £150 (roughly what family members will spend for my birthday and Christmas presents) with the proviso that the stands must be black and girlfriend approved!

Have you thought about the Atacama Aurora 6s? Not black, but you can fill them with a multitude of interesting colour options. Very good stands and really attractive pieces of furniture if you ask me. I wish I could've got them in a height which suited me as even my girlfriend thought they looked fab.
Cowps:Thanks mate, I'll look into that. I've noticed that the Nexus 6 are available in black too so I may just follow your suggestions. I must admit the high regard you had for the Marantz combo helped me make my decision too, especially after seeing how much kit you've been through. I don't expect that I'd get through that many changes in 2 lifetimes, but who's to say. I hope not!!!

The Marantz combo is superb and I'm sure you'll get hours of pleasure out of it. They really seem to have come up with a great CD player and amp this time. Most importantly its very musical.

Unless you're a bit tapped like me (!!) I'm quite sure you'll be able to settle with that superb system for a long time to come.
Acciesboy:...... as even my girlfriend thought they looked fab.


Honestly, she thought they were really cool. There is hope for us all!

Andrew Everard:

Last I heard no-one was forced at
gunpoint to share their life with a wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, civil
partner, cohabitee or fellow collector of soft fluffy model animals...

Absolutely right Andrew...and I didn't feel forced to buy them because they were fab looking...they just weren't high enough for me! I went for a somewhat ugly pair of Apollo AZ stands which are just the right height and look as though they're tough enough to be made by the same people who make aircraft carriers. I put my foot down and got the functional ones rather than the fashionable ones...and I am hoping to be let out of the doghouse in roughly another 6 months...
If they have to be black stands and I presume by that you mean matt black, may I suggest a pair of Target stands. You would have to increase your budget a tad though. Think of getting stands that will be future-proof in terms of upgrading; even consider Partingtons as a fit 'n' forget purchase.

Edit: I thought this thread was about the REM album of the same name. Which reminds me, I must give that one a spin again tomorrow. 😱)
idc:Rant. What is it with girlfriens/OHs and wives. Why cant they just EDITED BY MODS leave us to what has to be one of the most harmless, artistic, relaxing, romantic, exciting, inspiring, health improving, mentally stimulating hobbies that there is? End of rant.

Hear! Hear!


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