New 3D old 3D how does it compare


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
just watched my bloody valentine in 3d on a 106 inch screen - some bits were pretty cool but overal found it distrating with colours washed out and that it looked a bit like a pop up book ppl right at front scenery well back

how does the new 3d stuff compare?

why were my glasses green and purple and not red and blue - does it makes a difference?
Green and purple I guess due to the encoding used for the movie. And my experience of 'new 3D' on TVs so far suggests that the colour balance and brightness is much more satisfactory than on 'old tech' 3D.
Go watch Avatar - pretty damn amazing compared to how 3D used to be in cinemas. If that kind of leap is duplicated on TV, it'll be something.
Haven't encountered green and purple filters before, but my guess is you were watching ColorCode (sic) 3D, rather than Anaglyph, the older system that employs red and blue filtering. ColorCode most commonly uses amber and dark blue filtering.

Whatever the case, neither of these older colour-filter systems is anywhere near as good as either polarised or active-shutter 3D. They play havoc with the colour accuracy of the image, mess up the focus, give you a headache and more.

The newer stuff is much, much better. I'm not necessarily convinced that I want it, but that's another issue.
Andy Kerr:but my guess is you were watching ColorCode (sic) 3D

As used for the recent Channel 4 3D mini-season, despite the publicity pictures showing HMQ wearing red/blue spex.
Having see 3D movies in the 1950's (which dates me) using polarised glasses I have to say that there is not much improvement. I have seen Avotar Which is amazing experience, but the 3D effect is about the same as the "old time" offerings such as House of Wax where bodies were deposited in your lap!
This ocurred to me yesterday after going to bed...If brands can't sometimes make a tv that is "perfect" in 2D...can they really make a good 3D? I think not...maybe yes...but no


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