Netflix is getting completely ridiculous. Their US prices are crazy for what they offer.
If a TV series has 3 or more seasons, Netflix will often only have 2 of them. Apparently, their research shows that people will just watch the two seasons and move on to another show and then eventually come back and watch the two seasons again, so they don't need to give us the complete series. It isn't like they have the first two seasons for awhile and then have the next two. They just stop at season two.
Their amount of foreign language content in the US has skyrocketed compared to English based shows. Don't get me wrong, some foreign movies and shows are good, but I don't need half of my content to be subtitled. I feel like my fees are subsidizing their non-US content.
It has been a long time since the start of a new month meant all sorts of fun new things to watch on Netflix. Now, every couple months something shows up that is entertaining.
The free streaming options like Tubi and TheRokuChannel often have more entertaining content. I wish they offered options with no commercials.