Need your help buying my first HIFI


New member
Dec 30, 2013
Dear Community!

Im asking for your advice and recommendation on buying our first Hifi for the family. Basically im willing to have a stereo system, which we'd use in a ~35 nm lounge, which is opened together with the kitchen, and has relatively big glass areas. On this system we'd like to listen to music first of all - classic, jazz, rocknroll mainly, but I'd also connect it with the DVD player. Not too reasonably, I'd be glad if electronic music (techno, deephouse) could be enjoyed on it as well. So, this is what I'd expect from the future system.

Now, I ask for your help, what brands should I look for, and what series? So far i'd likely buy new speakers, and second hand amp. As a source I'd use CDs, or a notebook (later a turntable).

I've only listened to B&W 683 so far, but i cant imagine that playing electornic music too enjoyable.

I have about 1000-1200 EUR to the whole system. I know that this price range will come with some compromises, but I hope that an entry-level stereo system for quality music listening can be put together for this money.

Thanks in advance!


I was in a similar position to you some months back, starting out to buy my first system. I can boil down what I have learned into two statements. 1. There is a lot of hifi available that gives a very good sound at reasonable cost. You should be able to get a nice system for your budget. 2. What sound you like is as individual as taste. Garlic is joy to some, loathed by others.

So you really do need to know what kind of sound you like, and which equipment appeals to you, which means going and listening to as broad a selection as you can. Every dealer/shop will tell you something different anyway, and sometimes a reommendation is influenced by what stock there is to shift in the storeroom.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the tips, glad to hear that the budget seems fine.

I see that listening to as many systems as possible is the most important, but I need a guidance that what series are theoretically the best fitting for my needs.

And welcome to the forum!

1000-1200€ with or whithought speakers...?

Whithought speakers, and if later on you will add a TT, I can see only one choice realy, Rega Brio R it has a very good phono stage built in so no need to spend more money later on, Rega Apolo R (opcional) second hand CD players for less and save a bit more for cables and speakers...

Later on you can add a Rega RP3 and enjoy audio nirvana! I had a Rega Brio R with a Rega RP3 TT and IT IS the PERFECT COMBO for vinyl and for CD/streaming.

There are other choices of amps, but the Brio R is something special.


That price is per speaker, but is active and therefore no need for a separate amp, just connect your CD player directly.

As you add sources you could get a preamp to switch between them.
I prefer floorstanding speakers, those would fit the room much better, and for future upgrades - I suppose - a passive set would be more reasonable.
Benoit_m said:
I prefer floorstanding speakers, those would fit the room much better, and for future upgrades - I suppose - a passive set would be more reasonable.

While yes, upgrades might be easier with passive speakers, I can recommend ADAM's ARTist 6 ( active floorstanders, not only do they look beautiful (obviously subjective but they are very slender) and sound great but you can get great deals from Thomann ( if they have B-Stock on hand.

I should be enjoying mine right now but they are stuck at the post office until Friday...

You would need something in order to connect them to your source though. On a budget, a simple stereo 3.5 jack to RCA cable running from your notebook might be enough but you can find all sorts of stuff at very accessible prices (something like a USB Behringer U-PHONO UFO202 will cost you around £30 and will even allow you to connect a turntable at a later date).

Though they might sound a bit watered-down in your 35 nautical miles room. :help:

Or were you talking in nanometers? :grin:
Some good suggestions here already and my advice would be to keep an open mind and explore all of them. I think you need to be very clear about what you want. Do you want to buy something with thoughts already in your mind of upgrading at some point, or do you want to see what sort of long-term solution you can achieve with your budget? It is so easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of upgrading and side-grading, and I'm not sure it is really necessary.
With that sort of budget I would get down to Richer Sounds and ask to listen to a few different set ups. They offer packages too which can save you a bit.

However I notice you said your budget was in euros so you're not in the UK?
Hahah, m^2 I meant :grin:

Actually im from Hungary - the selection is limited here. What I could probably listen to and buy are KEF,B&W,Dali,Dynavoice,JBL,Proson,CAV,Focal,Polk,Wharfedale etc.

Ofc, the second hand market offers some more specific ones.

I wouldnt buy active speakers if possible because now as far as I see, I could only afford a ~ 300-350 EUR used amp, without CD player or turntable.

I'd also avoid blindbuying and ordering from overseas.

Thanks for all your help!


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