Need Help!!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi everyone,,,

I need some advice on this amp.

im intend to replace my old Technics amp.

I read review about Rotel RA-04 and i want to give it a try.

My local dealer has just lend me Rotel RA-04, i brought it home..

and quickly set it up with my Cyrus cd6s cd player, Monitor Audio Bronze BR 2, together with RCA from Audioquest Diamond Back, and Audioquest type-4 speaker cable.

First impression is the Rotel sound more detail, dynamic than my old Technics amp.

But the high are on the bright side, and the bass is not as deep as i expect. This keep me wondering, because in most review on this amp, this is a great amp for the budget. But why the sound is not quite what im expected. Or meybe my other gear dont match with this amp? or it need some time to burn in? is the burn in process will improve the sound dramatically?

Please help me out.. tq
It may improve as it warms up - bright treble and low bass can be a hint of needing warm-up time ........ but see how it goes over time I guess ...... otherwise, maybe that's just how it sounds !! Tinker with some other cables perhaps to tone down the bright treble maybe ......
How much time should i give ?

i have spend about 20 hrs of listening time, i have Wireworld speaker cable and RCA Interconect from QED also,

but havent got the chance to try it out yet..
I wonder if it is just taking you time to adjust to a more tightly controlled sound. I've never found the Rotel to be especially bright - in fact I'd say it was one of the best balanced amps around - although I do tend to find Cyrus gear a little on the bright side. Certainly the Rotel will have greater clarity than the Technics and it might take quite a while to adjust to this.

I'd have said the Rotel would be the ideal amp to drive the BR2s.

I would be careful trying QED cables. They tend to be on the bright side and will only exacerbate the problem. See if your dealer can lend you some Chord Company Crimson interconnects and, if possible, some Silverscreen or even Rumour 2 speaker cable. I find their cables to be consistently well balanced.

If you don't adjust to the Rotel perhaps try a Marantz amp. The 6003 might be well worth a try or, if your budget can stretch a bit more, the Yamaha A-S700 which is an excellent, neutral sounding amplifier.
Ok Thanks Guys for the advices,,

Yes, i think it need more time to burn in and me to get used to the more dynamic and clarity Rotel amp then my Technics amp.

FYI my room size is small about 2,5 x 3 meter, and theres some furniture in it (like a big cupboard, a bed, cabinet). I wonder if this condition contribute to the bright sound and lack of bass?

The speaker is on a wooden stand and have about 1,5 meter distance between, and about 15 cm space to the side and back wall.

any suggestion to improve the sound? I ll be very Grateful....
If you want more bass and the treble less bright you should try the NAD C326BEE.
Hi, I have the same amp/speaker set up as you do. All your components are verging on the bright side, and I found that Chord Co Silverscreen did wonders to make the system slightly less harsh at the high end. QED would definitely be one to avoid if you think it sounds bright right now. You could try the NAD, but personally I think the Rotel and BR2s work very well together.
If it's too bright, whatever you do don;t buy it. It doesn't suit the Cyrus and speakers you have. Go for something else which is more in tune with everything else. Ask the dealer for recommendations.
Thanks for the advice guys..

Now i have about 30 listening hrs with this Rotel amp. And i think the sound is getting less bright and harsh,but still it is to bright for my taste..

im looking to add more hours to get the improvement that i need before i decide to make it my own or returned it to the dealer..


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