Need help with budget amp choice


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello everyone,

I'm not proud to start my "life" on this forum with such a lame question, but I think it's one that many people could benefit from.

After reading the review of the EB Acoustics EB1 I've decided to get them(they even end up cheaper than the B&W 685 here in Norway wich I was thinking of getting). I've also decided to get a DacMagic since I have most of my cd's in lossless on my Mac(s). I live in Norway and here the amps I'm interested in all cost the same.

Which of these would be the best for the EB1's and the DacMagic when they cost exactly the same?:

Marantz PM6003

Cambridge Audio 650A



I don't think it qualifies as a lame question at all. We gave a Best Buy Award to the Marantz PM6003 earlier in the month, and you can be sure we listened to it long and hard against the Cambridge 650A and NAD C326BEE using (among others) the EB1s. So if you're going to dive into this without hearing these amps, I'm bound to point you at the Marantz. The Cambridge and the NAD are fine products, though, and ideally you should hear all three side-by-side - if you wait until your speakers arrive you can take them along too. There's no substitute for hearing a system yourself, using music you know and like, before you hand over the cash.
Thanks for the quick reply!

After talking to a friend I managed to get a much better price on the Marantz my choice is clear. Cannot wait to get all the components and try it out!
What is your thoughts on the Marantz driving these speakers? This is a combination I will be able to listen to (hopefully) within the week. Since I can pick them up locally they end up being cheaper than importing a set of EB1's(by roughly £140 after VAT) and I must say I do like the walnut color.

I guess I could always buy this setup now, and then buy a power amp to help drive the speakers in a few years if I feel I need more power. Is it as easy as that to just add a power amp in the future if I have the PM6003?(edit: I realized it isn't since the 6003 doesn't have pre-out)


I just demo'ed the Marantz PM5003 with these speakers today, and it sounded GREAT! So the 6003 should only sound better. + with these speakers I can upgrade to a more powerful amp in a few years if I feel the need to get even more out of the speakers. I'm pretty sure I will have these speakers for many years to come.
Hadde selv planer om Nad 326 helt til jeg i dag fikk kj›pt en lyngdorf brukt =) N† blir det B&W 685 til denne forsterkeren. Av de du har valgt ut, s† er det litt opp til din smak. Hifi klubben f›rer jo begge to s† det skulle ikke v‘re noe problem † teste dem mot hverandre.

FYI folks.... all that was in norwegian hehe


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