need help sorting music folders


New member
Feb 19, 2009
i have at a guess 275cds and downloaded a few off digital7 ect (4400 tracks i think) and i have used EAC to rip my cds into .FLAC fotmat i have an external harddrive attacthed to my laptop where they live and created a folder called squeezebox music which my squeezebox server finds.

i now want a mp3 320copy of all of they so that my xbox360,ps3 and my samsung phone over audiogalaxy can see them. just want a smaller version for streaming ect where sq is not a premium.

is there any program out there that will over night see my folder and make a copy of every flac file and make an mp3 version.
I use XLD on my Mac and it keeps the artwork when batch converting. My FLAC files all have an album artwork jpg file named 'folder' and the image info is added to the individual music files when transcoding. Supposedly, if you compress a lossless file to 260KBPS VBR, you'd be pressed to tell the difference from the original file.

I'll know soon enough.

'FLAC to mp3 Converter', is a windows program that seems to do something similar.
did this morning - install media monkey and paid 17.50 for there gold package and then batch converted all my 117gb files to 320 mp3 and all the artwork is there . 117 gb is now 42 gb so not as much a saving as i thought . im pretty happy with media monkey and have let audiogalaxy,itunes and spotify see my mp3 folder so my samsung phone and mrs iphone can access that.

thats all input as always
As you use your laptop to store your music, why dont you just install a transoding mediaserver such a Playstation Media Server or Tversity. The PS3/Xbox will then be able to stream your flacs via the mediaserver.

Audiogalaxy already supports streaming of FLAC so you dont need to do anything for your phone.
hi joe i know your right im sure that when im in an area with poorish 3g that a 10mg mp3 will stream faster and be less on my 1gb internet monthly allowance.

i want the ps3 upstairs soon and i want a to get a media player and a blu ray player downstairs so i wanted a mp3 copy for all phones ps3 upstairs xbox360 and my roaming laptop to easily pick up.

Both phones are going well and my other laptop is going well. ps3 is good and i need to put the folder into windows media player list and th 360 will find it.

if you any other advise or tips please keep them coming as its all help and keeps me improving my home setup for ease and sq


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