need advice


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am thinking about buying new speakers.I have got wharfedale valdus 400, C315BEE amplifier, C515BEE cd player if someone could give me some advice.
alan.rage:I am thinking about buying new speakers.I have got wharfedale valdus 400, C315BEE amplifier, C515BEE cd player if someone could give me some advice.

Alan, Alan, Alan, Alan

A couple of questions:

How much?

What sort of music?

Size a problem?

Near walls, or in free space?

Standmounts or floorstanders?
Sorry didnt give much information.I am thinking about spending about £250,i listen to a wide range of music but i would say mostly rock ,hard rock.My hifi is in the loft and the speakers are next to the wall,its floorstanders im using the now and thinking there too big for the loft.
Floorstanders will give you the scale right enough, but the bass is probably over emphasised and the Valdus speakers I'm not sure were Wharfedale's finest moment. I'm not so convinced by a lot of the current £250 models out there now, but the new Wharfeys look rather good and apparently sound it too. £200 well spent, but listne first. There's also a smaller floostander in the Q Acoustics 1030i, £200 in Richer Sounds currently, and I think they have a front firing port. Not too big, but well rated. They might be a good alternative solution.


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