Need a replacement remote control...


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Hey pp, I'm sorry I can't help you with the replacement problem. I would suggest you give universal remotes a try. I have a harmony 525 and love it to bits, set up was a breeze, none of those pesky remote simply connect the remote to your computer and select your devices from a list. The harmony 300i is the screenless version which equals better battery life and is on a certain online shopping website named after a river in America (hope you solve that mystery) for 16 pounds.
shafesk said:
Hey pp, I'm sorry I can't help you with the replacement problem. I would suggest you give universal remotes a try. I have a harmony 525 and love it to bits, set up was a breeze, none of those pesky remote simply connect the remote to your computer and select your devices from a list. The harmony 300i is the screenless version which equals better battery life and is on a certain online shopping website named after a river in America (hope you solve that mystery) for 16 pounds.

Ta, shafesk. The problem is that the CDP will be sold sooner rather than later (2-3 months approx) and it would be nice to sell the CDP as a complete package. More immediately, Mrs. P likes using the simple remote. Once the new CDP or DAC is installed then I'll think about an all-in-one remote.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
IR remotes are pretty simple devices so fixing it may be a possibilty.

Firstly, establish if any IR is being emitted by viewing the emitter through a digital camera/camera phone. The emitter will glow brightly through the camera when a button is pressed. If it doesn't there are three likely causes.

Assuming that the batteries are good, there could be some corrosion/dirt on the battery terminals or the connection to the PCB could have become "dry". This is essentially a crack in the solder joint resulting in no power. The joint can be simply remade with a little fresh solder & a soldering iron.

Similarly, one of the joints to the LED emitter itself may have become dry & the same fix applies.

Intermittent buttons or needing hard presses is likely to be dirty contacts on the keypad/ PCB. These can be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol but don't rub too hard as you can damage either surface.

The most difficult task is likely to be getting it apart in the first place! After removing any screws, an old credit card run between the two halves will usually pop the clips that hold it together. If you're going to bin it anyway you've got nothing to lose.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011
Item number 261060995195 would work, bit expensive though. The Arcam remotes come up on eBay regular just be patient, in fact you just missed a cr-224


There is a VERY slim chance I still have the remote from my CD82 that got blown up by a thunder storm.

I have to put a load of camping stuff back in the attic tomorrow so I'll see if it's still there. Don't hold your breath though...


New member
Jun 11, 2012
This should do you

£30 delivered, brand new, genuine Arcam. I bought one a few months ago, takes 3 weeks to arrive as they are sourced on request.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Hello again PP,

if you really need that remote then I would suggest taking it to a repair shop, I think it'll be cheaper and easier than getting a new one. RS have a service center and they repair a vast range of electronics.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2008
I resorted to that great standby of eBay for a replacement for my avr250's remote. Got an upgraded one for about £25-30, which isn't a bad price.
No idea. There are lots of Arcam remotes suitable for the 73 but also have functions for AV/DVD/amplifiers which are around £35.00. They won't be used. Rather pay £25 when most of the functions will be used. Here's one example:

Techno Sounds sell the same remote as mine for £35. So I'm pretty happy to pay £25 from a company I know and trust.
Yup, a brand new remote from the DIVA range. Strange but true.

Almost bought a Arcam CD37. It was sitting there saying: "Come closer my dear penguin, I need you..." blimey the imagination has run amok. Certainly offered a good price... and it's in SILVER! Apparently Arcam have stopped making silver 37s.


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