Naimuniti and apple lossless


New member
Aug 10, 2019
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Just ordered a Naimuniti and looking at the option of streaming music from the computer.

Unfortunately, my music is currently in apple lossless , which I don't believe is supported via anything other than the nlink cable.

I assume that the nlink cable isn't going to be as good as streaming as it's an analogue connection relying on the ipod's dac - but I've not tried it.

Has anyone compared the ipod nlink to streaming from a pc/mac on this machine?

Any other ideas about how to get around this welcomed.

John Duncan

Well-known member
Or to summarise, you need a UPnP server which will convert apple lossless to WAV on the fly - Eyeconnect works on the Mac (I saw it happen) and allegedly dbPoweramp's Asset server works on Windows...


was quick - cheers.

looks like I'll need a bigger hard drive then.


or a mac...

...either way seems to imply more spending.

John Duncan

Well-known member
Why d'you need a bigger hard drive? The UPnP server doesn't create WAV copies of your originals, it only converts to WAV while it's streaming to the NaimUniti. And as I say, for Windows download dbPoweramp's Asset for free from here and start having a play - you may need to download a separate codec for Apple Lossless, not sure. I have a Mac so can't confirm its efficacy.


reply was for the earlier posting - ie use windows but give up on Apple lossless - thanks for the link though, will see if I get anywhere.

John Duncan

Well-known member
OK, no probs - let us know how you get on with the Asset server, we have proof on this forum that it can work with a Mac, will be useful to have experiences of Windows as well - what's the ETA of your NaimUniti - I was quoted 6-8 weeks...?


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