Ajani:plastic penguin:
I have some really serious issues with this Qute. My comments from yesterday were pretty flippent and mostly tongue-in-cheek.
The gizzards of the Uniti is basically the Nait 5i and CD 5i. What hi-fi, and one or two retailers, said that the sound quality is just shy of the amp/cd combo. Traditionally, when companies give you a less expensive version of a previous incarnation, it usually means a strip-down version. Most of this normally comes with sound quality, plus a few features.
My point is, if the Uniti is based on Naim's entry-level stuff, does this mean the Qute is even further stripped down version of the Nait 5? If so, then it'll be intersting to hear WHFI's findings, once Naim deliver a test model.
Yep there is the sad possibility that the Qute won't sound as good as the Uniti, but I'm still hopeful that maybe, removing the CD Player and lowering the power has allowed them to produce something as good as or better than than a Nait 5i... If that's the case, then even the 30 watts would stop being a dealbreaker for me...
I can't wait to see some reviews on the Qute... Everytime I see a pic of it, I start becoming more and more tempted...
I can't wait, either. Just like to add that if it is depleted slightly of sound, that should bring it within the radar of other, cheaper brands, like Arcam Solo.....