Naim System Upgrade


New member
Nov 28, 2008
Apologies to those who are not Naim fans.

I am using a Naim NAC202 and NAP150x combination, with a TeddyCap PSU. Late last year, I upgraded my speakers to Dynaudio Focus 160s. The combination sounds good to me, but there are times when I think that the deeper bass is sounding a little loose. I know that the speakers are a nominal 4 ohm load, which dips below 3 ohms at some frequencies, and are thus going to be harder to control for an amplifier.

My intention is to upgrade from the NAP150X to a NAP200. My research to date suggest that the NAP200 provides a modest increase in output power, but that it has a larger transformer and is more tolerant of difficult speakers. Does anybody have experience of these 2 power amplifiers? Is the NAP200 really that much better?
NJB said:
Apologies to those who are not Naim fans.

I am using a Naim NAC202 and NAP150x combination, with a TeddyCap PSU. Late last year, I upgraded my speakers to Dynaudio Focus 160s. The combination sounds good to me, but there are times when I think that the deeper bass is sounding a little loose. I know that the speakers are a nominal 4 ohm load, which dips below 3 ohms at some frequencies, and are thus going to be harder to control for an amplifier.

My intention is to upgrade from the NAP150X to a NAP200. My research to date suggest that the NAP200 provides a modest increase in output power, but that it has a larger transformer and is more tolerant of difficult speakers. Does anybody have experience of these 2 power amplifiers? Is the NAP200 really that much better?

I haven't heard the 150X, but the NAP200 is awesome, and will be a great match for your Dynaudios, since it has a sweeter sound then most naims. Since you already have the TeddyCap, no point in geting the NAP200 DR, but if youcan audition, you should audition both. Ask on naim forums, people there will help you. Actually, if you have deep bass problems, then a NAP200 DR might be a good idea, and they say hi-dap improves even the DR versions.
A decent pro amp in good condition, such as Crown DC300a may well offer NAP200 / NAP300 / NAP500 matching sound quality. For a lot less money.

The higher end Naim amps sound good. It's just that you have to pay relatively large amounts of money for them, both new and second hand.

And there will be a limit to how good a bass you can get without changing your speakers.
I am sure that a change of brand would offer alternatives, but I am a bit set in my ways. Auditioning kit is a personal dislike, so I am sticking with Naim. The speakers have enough bass depth for me, and the rest of their presentation is to my liking, so they stay.

I was planning a secondhand NAP200, so that rules out the DR variant. I do not quite understand enough about the DR upgrade to assess if it is worth saving up for. If I use the TeddyCap then, presumably, the benefits when powering the NAC202 are moot, as it does not do this role. A side by side comparison of the DR and non DR variants will be almost impossible to arrange, hence my plea on the forums. I expect that their is a Naim fan out there who has a view of whether it is a significant upgrade, or just a nice to have feature.
NJB said:
I was planning a secondhand NAP200, so that rules out the DR variant. I do not quite understand enough about the DR upgrade to assess if it is worth saving up for.

As far as I understand it, the only benefit of the DR in the NAP 200 is in the supply it provides for a preamp: it has no effect on the power amp whatsoever.
spiny norman said:
NJB said:
I was planning a secondhand NAP200, so that rules out the DR variant. I do not quite understand enough about the DR upgrade to assess if it is worth saving up for.

As far as I understand it, the only benefit of the DR in the NAP 200 is in the supply it provides for a preamp: it has no effect on the power amp whatsoever.

ah, I think you're right. And he already has a TeddyCap, which IS DR i think, so a plain NAP200 will fit perfectly. And many naimites consider the NAP200 to hit a sweetspot for the money, and even prefer it to the NAP250, and would only prefer a Nap300 as an upgrade, which is a whole other business, and is made to match the 282.

OP: So yes, I think the Nap200 would be a worthwile upgrade. But again, check Naim forums, there are lots of people there that tried almost all combinations possible, and can give you some insight.
rainsoothe said:
spiny norman said:
NJB said:
I was planning a secondhand NAP200, so that rules out the DR variant. I do not quite understand enough about the DR upgrade to assess if it is worth saving up for.

As far as I understand it, the only benefit of the DR in the NAP 200 is in the supply it provides for a preamp: it has no effect on the power amp whatsoever.

ah, I think you're right. And he already has a TeddyCap, which IS DR i think, so a plain NAP200 will fit perfectly. And many naimites consider the NAP200 to hit a sweetspot for the money, and even prefer it to the NAP250, and would only prefer a Nap300 as an upgrade, which is a whole other business, and is made to match the 282.

OP: So yes, I think the Nap200 would be a worthwile upgrade. But again, check Naim forums, there are lots of people there that tried almost all combinations possible, and can give you some insight.

Thanks for the feedback, it is very useful. I will try to gather information from Naim experts. I know that many people will say to buy the latest model, but the price is a factor and an older model might be just right for me.
Indeed, most Naimites prefer the more clear presentation, and will recommend DR versions, or NAP250. But I had a NAP200 on home audition and I could tell it sounds brilliant, despite the fact that I was using a UQ2 for a preamp, which is completely wrong for it - it's better suited for NAC202 or DAC V1 if you don't need analogue inputs. So, partnered with your speakers, it'll sound great imo.
spiny norman said:
NJB said:
I was planning a secondhand NAP200, so that rules out the DR variant. I do not quite understand enough about the DR upgrade to assess if it is worth saving up for.

As far as I understand it, the only benefit of the DR in the NAP 200 is in the supply it provides for a preamp: it has no effect on the power amp whatsoever.

Further research suggests that the DR mod is for the pre-amp supply, so would not benefit me. However, they have also made small changes to the internal layout which some people claim to be audible.
NJB said:
However, they have also made small changes to the internal layout which some people claim to be audible.

Although I gather Naim is making no such claims: the only change seems to be a slight rearrangement of the board in order to create the 'notch' in which the DR supply for the preamp connection sits, as explained here: "Existing NAP 200 users can have a more cost-effective upgrade by opting for an offboard power supply for their preamp"


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