I've installed the old Gale speaker cable I had lying around. It's been a long time since I've messed around changing cables, my memories of the differences between the Gale and QED were correct. I no longer have a very fatiguing upper mid/lower treble, with the QED in place I was getting very tired of the sound very quickly. Now with the Gale installed the sound is much less sharp, strings and high hat's aren't attacking my ears now.
The sound now sounds much more like my old amp with the QED cables, just with a tighter bass. I have lost some of the detail with this cable but that forward presentation before was just way too much. Now it's more natural than artificial.
It's amazing how much difference a cable can make, it should not be underestimated and consideration to how cables a work with a given system should be given consideration.
The sound now sounds much more like my old amp with the QED cables, just with a tighter bass. I have lost some of the detail with this cable but that forward presentation before was just way too much. Now it's more natural than artificial.
It's amazing how much difference a cable can make, it should not be underestimated and consideration to how cables a work with a given system should be given consideration.