At present i use DB Poweramp to rip my CDs to FLAC format. This is stored on my NAS drive for use with the CLIC.
I am now keen to get these files on to some form of portable player for use when I am on the move. I apologise for my very basic knowledge of this.
I have an ipod and could possibly use this, but there is over 7000 tracks stored on this via my I tunes library. Does this mean that i cant use this I pad to play my FLAC files.
First question. is there a way to use my Ipod with my FLAC files already stored on my NAS, or would I need to get a new portable device like the new Sony one. I am keen to increase the sound quality of my portable music.
It would be good if i could copy my CD using DB Poweramp, and then use these FLAC files for all my formats. Is this possible.
Any help apprecaiated.
I am now keen to get these files on to some form of portable player for use when I am on the move. I apologise for my very basic knowledge of this.
I have an ipod and could possibly use this, but there is over 7000 tracks stored on this via my I tunes library. Does this mean that i cant use this I pad to play my FLAC files.
First question. is there a way to use my Ipod with my FLAC files already stored on my NAS, or would I need to get a new portable device like the new Sony one. I am keen to increase the sound quality of my portable music.
It would be good if i could copy my CD using DB Poweramp, and then use these FLAC files for all my formats. Is this possible.
Any help apprecaiated.