Movies on ipod


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, i've just bought an ipod classic and was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to download movies from dvd onto it? Thanks for any help. Steve.
Sigh - i've just written a column for a trade mag about this. The law needs a rethink right now: technically it's illegal to make copies of DVDs, even ones you already own, as they're copyright protected - meaning you're in breach of copyright law even trying to copy them.

Whereas with music it's considered 'fair use' to make back-up copies of discs you own (though, as discussed here recently, also still technically illegal), movies remain a far thornier subject.

Far be in from me, therefore, to suggest you type elements of your question - such as DVD, iPod and conversion software - into Google to see the opinions of others on the matter...
couldnt you burn the DVDs onto your PC and then download VideoRa from google and convert them to the correct format and then just put them on the iPod?
Have a look at there are a number of tutorials on that site which will show you how to do this and which programs to use.
Yes it really is a terrible thing this act of copying copyrighted material, and pieces of software such as "Ideal DVD to iPod Converter" really should be banned. Although luckily most DVDs have copyright protection, so you probably won't be able to copy DVDs to your PC in the first place, unless you use that morally detestable DVDRipper package.
Now, Now, guys, keep it down. We wouldn't want dear stevie3141 to steel the material from his legally purchased dvd for his own private ipod watching. Moreover, I would certainly advise against going to and download a free dvd to ipod converter.