more excitement needed!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Have been thinking of demoing a few amps as my system, although great for long listening sessions, could do with being a little more exciting.

I't sounds great with some genres but is a little boring when listening to rock or virtually any music at fairly low volumes. It does start to sing when i crank it up but the girlfriend isn't too happy with that for some reason. I don't want my system to be fatiguing so i thought matching my Arcam CDP to a more "lively" amp could be the way to go.

I don't listen to any Jazz or Classical but it should sound good with everything else.

Would a nait 5, cyrus or roksan be a good match?

Any ideas appreciated
I would imagine they would all suit rock better than Arcam, it's not the Arcs speciality. Mind the the CD192 is quite forward compared to some.

You will, however, be sacrificing in other areas. It all depends on what you listen to most.


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