Mordaunt Short 902i, What to upgrade to?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi I'm using a PC - DAC Magic - CA 650A - MS 902i and have recently started to feel that the speakers are the weak link in my chain. They sound great at low volumes but once it starts to get loud they can get a bit harsh/bright, think this might be excessive treble. Taking 'componant matching' into consideration what would be a good upgrade and how much better would they sound? Want to keep the price under £350 and was thinking of the new MS Avionos or B&W 685.


I suspect the B&Ws won't be the answer to your prayers; from memory, I hear they are quite forward sounding, well balanced, but a tad lean. Not sure that makes for the best partnership with other CA kit. Perhaps a standmount that does a better line in bass presence and a more rounded off top end? Not sure what you could look at, but I hear the Rega RS1 is a thing of wonder apparently.

Works well up against a wall, and if it's anything like their turntables, will be a very easy listen.
mr.c.brown:Any ideas?

I'll try....

The Cambridge = lively. You also have MS 902's = lively. This is probably why you're experiencing some brightness at higher volumes. Try and locate some ex-dem or s/hand Epos M12's. They are far more controlled than MS's and will definitely give you a licp-smacking sonic ride. Very good speakers indeed.

Also look at B&W 685's - slightly over budget, but s/hand should fit the bill too. Or if you want to spend less, go for the new Wharfedale Diamond 10.1's. They'll again be less enthusiastic than the MS's, just as involving minus the brightness.
I've had the 650A a couple of weeks now and I've tried a wide range of speakers with it (I've got 6 different sets here, including the MS902i).

I've come to the same conclusion as Hi-Fi+ did in their review of the 650 components, in that I feel the amp works best with good quality soft-dome tweetered speakers, rather than those with a metal tweeter such as the Mordaunt-Shorts or my Mission 751s (the Missions work a lot better than the 902is because the tweeter is much higher quality). One exception to this is the MS Mezzo 2s. The Mezzos are a good step up from the Avianos and the tweeter seems more controlled, with better integration across the entire frequency range. Not a great deal more money than the Aviano 2 either.

I don't believe changing to the Avianos would be a good step. Essentially they are a development of the Avants you already have and, good though they are, I think you can do better synergy-wise.

The Quad 11Ls love the 650A. It provides all the power they need whilst the speakers make the most of the detail and spaciousness of the amp. Its a very dynamic combination that never strays into harshness. I have done A/B comparisons between the Quads and the 902is, and the difference is huge.

The other speakers that might be worth trying would be the EB Acoustics EB1. I haven't heard them but WHF rate them very highly, they have a good design team behind them and, looking at the specs, I suspect they could make an excellent match to the 650A.

I don't actually think the 650A is that easy to match but, trust me, it really is worth the effort.
Thanks for all your help, at the moment i'm thinking of short listing the B&W 685s, the MS Mezzo 2s (£100 off at richer sounds) and the Quad 11L2. Leaning to the B&Ws for the great reviews, has any one heard those connected to a CA 650A?

Over the weekend I was at my grandparents' and played Pulse by Pink Floyd with my DAC Magic through some old Rogers speakers, they sounded really amazing, almost like I was at a live concert, think now I have to match the sound quality of those..
IMO, If neutron v is above budget, then going to 2nd hand market for speakers like avi neutron IV or dali lektor would be a better choice than going to a mismatch brand new speaker 🙂