Mono versus Stereo - The Beatles Remastered

Charlie Jefferson

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
I'm really enjoying the Mono Box set, and having bought a few of the stereo albums too, I've had fun comparing the two formats.

In particular, Sgt. Pepper and The White Album sound so different and at times so wonderful in mono. The loss of a stereo soundstage is traded for a thicker, chunkier sound in mono. Is it just me, or do certain songs seem slower in one format, She's Leaving Home and Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds?

Once my ears had readjusted to the mono soundstage, I've just found the whole experience quite exhilarating.

I can't comment on the early albums in stereo but to my ears they sound scintillating in mono.
I did this with Rubber Soul (having both mixes on the Mono-Box cd), and found that whilst it was nice to have the separation, the overall mix was more pleasing in Mono - as you say a "lusher" sound (if there is such a word).

I'm now having to complile a "red album" remaster for my daughter, as she prefers mine!

I'm certainly glad I went for the mono set rather than stereo, although I may have to purchase Abbey Road and Let It Be in stereo at some point to complete the set.
Charlie Jefferson:I'm really enjoying the Mono Box set, and having bought a few of the stereo albums too, I've had fun comparing the two formats.

In particular, Sgt. Pepper and The White Album sound so different and at times so wonderful in mono. The loss of a stereo soundstage is traded for a thicker, chunkier sound in mono. Is it just me, or do certain songs seem slower in one format, She's Leaving Home and Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds?

Once my ears had readjusted to the mono soundstage, I've just found the whole experience quite exhilarating.

I can't comment on the early albums in stereo but to my ears they sound scintillating in mono.

Yes, it's fun finding out the differences isn't it? The mono Lucy in the sky with diamonds, "features much heavier flanging and reverb effects". She's leaving home is at the wrong speed in stereo. It's been slowed down. It sounds like a dirge after years of hearing it mono.

Other favourites of mine are:

Paperback writer is fuller and more attacking (as was the intention) in mono. The opening guitar riff sounds all wrong when it's isolated in the left channel in stereo. It loses all impact.

Tomorrow never knows sounds fuller also. Especially the guitar solo in the middle (1:06). It has more effects on it than the stereo version. The opening tambura hits harder and quicker at the beginning in mono.

Revolution is more powerful in mono

Don't pass me by was speeded up in mono

Helter Skelter doesn't fade back in again on the mono

Got to get you in to my life fade out is longer in mono and has different vocal ad libs

Love you to fade out is longer in mono (13 seconds)

Taxman sounds much more full and powerful in mono. Cowbell comes in at different point

I'm only sleeping has different backwards guitar in mono

Eleanor Rigby bad vocal mix is not an issue in mono Yellow Submarine - similar issues

Please please me - John makes an obvious vocal mistake in stereo version

Good morning good morning/Sgt Pepper (reprise) - bad guitar/chicken edit in mono - perfected when they did the stereo

Blackbird has different bird sounds (and I think Piggies has different pigs sounds as well)

Back in the USSR has more audible vocal embellishments at the end in mono

Within you without you has different laughter at the end

Baby you're a rich man has much better and deeper bass in stereo

All you need is love has a longer fade out in mono

There are lots more and especially tracks fading out longer in mono but the best thing about the mono versions is that I am the Walrus doesn't descend in to fake stereo from when John sings "Sitting in an English garden" in the mono mix.
Mmmm - you can analyse, whether the remastered or the origninal recording is best.

I have numerous 7" singles of the Beatles and I have the same tracks on LP. The difference is remarkably worlds apart. But it depends on what you're after? Is it detail, purity or grunt?

That's a fascinating list you've compiled. Which reminds me of how great Tomorrow Never Knows sounds in mono, as you describe.

As for mono on my headphones & iPod, it's mostly a rather hollow listen, but how great they sound through the hi-fi.
That's right Charlie. I think Tomorrow Never Knows sounds much better (as do most of these songs) in mono.

I've just thought of another one
The Inner Light has a strange sounding instrument much longer lasting in mono.
I've just given Disc 2 of the Mono Masters a real big blast through the hifi and wow!!

Some stunning moments I'd not truly heard until now. I've known these songs for thirty odd years and only now feel I'm fully hearing them.

The songs sound so big and warm.
daft question - on the mono recording am i right in thinking that both left and right speaker play exactly the same sound or do you only have sound from one speaker?????????
Yep, can confirm this - you have to sit dead centre between the speakers to avoid an off-centre sound balance, but TBH this misses the point slightly.

The beauty is that Mono removes the tendency to worry about the hifi elements (which bit is slightly left of the snare drum etc), and allows you to really enjoy the music for being music - the tune, the rhythm, the sound of the instruments.

Well, it does for me anyway!
So can someone confirm for me - the mono box has all the albums in mono? Including those that weren't released in mono? And the stereo one has all the albums released in stereo? Even the ones that were only originally mixed in mono?
Another money making scheme aimed at fans then. Why not produce another version with the albums released in mono in mono, and the stereo ones in stereo - I'd buy that straight away. But I'm not buying two sets just to get the albums as they should be.
FrankHarveyHiFi:Another money making scheme aimed at fans then. Why not produce another version with the albums released in mono in mono, and the stereo ones in stereo - I'd buy that straight away. But I'm not buying two sets just to get the albums as they should be.

Easy. Buy the mono box set and Abbey Road, Let It Be and Yellow Submarine as individual stereo copies.
FrankHarveyHiFi:Another money making scheme aimed at fans then. Why not produce another version with the albums released in mono in mono, and the stereo ones in stereo - I'd buy that straight away. But I'm not buying two sets just to get the albums as they should be.

I'm amazed at the efficiency of the EMI marketing machine here. Looks like we have all bought these albums before in the past on vinyl or cd. I have bought half of the stereo remasters and am really pleased with them. I can't believe that some of you are contemplating buying them twice mono and stereo

I think sometimes that my kids have got it right. Spotify (regular version with ads) through a dodgy computer monitor...."its all about the music dad", not my "can you hear the squeeky base pedal there kids" and the "I can hear every instrument/this is the way it was meant to be heard". I even read somewhere that McCartney only listens to old rock & roll songs through an old Dansette.

.....Only real gripe regarding the two versions of the remasters is that all of the earlier albums clock in at 35ish minutes, they could have put both versions of the album on the one cd.....

I've had an album where this has been done before, but can't remember which (was it pet sounds???).

Can't wait for a new format to emerge.....will end up buying them again then
i think pet sounds, and also a dusty springfield cd have same songs in mono and stereo.

i think i'm too used to stereo, mono always seems wrong. good for checking if both speakers sound the same due to room placement though.
Pete Shields:
FrankHarveyHiFi:Another money making scheme aimed at fans then. Why not produce another version with the albums released in mono in mono, and the stereo ones in stereo - I'd buy that straight away. But I'm not buying two sets just to get the albums as they should be.

I'm amazed at the efficiency of the EMI marketing machine here. Looks like we have all bought these albums before in the past on vinyl or cd. I have bought half of the stereo remasters and am really pleased with them. I can't believe that some of you are contemplating buying them twice mono and stereo

I think sometimes that my kids have got it right. Spotify (regular version with ads) through a dodgy computer monitor...."its all about the music dad", not my "can you hear the squeeky base pedal there kids" and the "I can hear every instrument/this is the way it was meant to be heard". I even read somewhere that McCartney only listens to old rock & roll songs through an old Dansette.

.....Only real gripe regarding the two versions of the remasters is that all of the earlier albums clock in at 35ish minutes, they could have put both versions of the album on the one cd.....

I've had an album where this has been done before, but can't remember which (was it pet sounds???).

Can't wait for a new format to emerge.....will end up buying them again then

A "friend of mine" has bought the mono box set, Abbey Road in stereo and Let it Be in stereo. He then went on to download the FLAC versions of all the other stereo versions and transferred those to Mini Disc via the digital coaxial output on his computer's soundcard. He feels totally justified in doing this and sleeps very soundly at nights. He claims that for the amount of money they are charging for the complete sets, why shouldn't he. He's bought them countless times in the past and while he hasn't paid the £200 that you fellow Brits have paid for your Mono box set (he paid £154 in Australia with free shipping) he feels that the prices are somewhat over-inflated, bordering on a rip-off.

He also thinks they sound fantastic on his Mini Disc player but ultimately prefers the mono versions.
I bought the individual stereo CDs and the mono box. In my opinion, the mono mixes are far more enjoyable except for the white album, which I prefer in stereo.

The mono's have more punch, clarity, and in the case of With The Beatles and Please Please Me you avoid the awful L/R separation of voices and instruments.

Sgt.Pepper is a revelation in mono, Revolver & Rubber Soul rock more in mono.


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