Monitor Audio RS6 speakers - CD and Amp match?


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Jan 24, 2005
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I have Monitor Audio RS6 speakers with a NAD C521 BEE CD player and a Yamaha AX492 amp, bi wired with QED Silver 25th Annibversary speaker cable.

I am looking to change the CD player and amp in the near future and would welcome your suggestions.

I like the tight bass and clear detail of my current set up.

I like the reviews of the Cyrus CD 6 SE and Cyrus 6XP amp but my budget will not stretch to both at the same time.

Are these a good match for the Monitor Audio RS6's?

Are cheaper alternatives a better buy?

Should I look to replace the CD player or amp first?

Firstly, an-all Cyrus system is a no no. Cyrus tends to be bright in character, and RS6s have a similar trait. A Cyrus amp paired with either Arcam CDP or a Nad is a different prospect - they both tame the Cyrus.

Nad and Yamaha sound like a good combination with MAs Silver range. Alternatively, Creek Evo works really well synergy-wise; Arcam, Roksan and Exposure.

What is your budget? And, yes, start with amp first. Once you have an amp gels well with speakers and CDP, then start to look at a player upgrade.

Good luck, pp


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Sep 6, 2007
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Welcome to the foums

The M/A RS6 speakers are superb and there are plenty of amps and CDP's that will suit them very well BUT unfortunately; not Cyrus.

Cyrus is very good gear but the M/A RS6's can have a fairly bright treble if partnered with the wrong equipment; Cyrus is forward/bright sounding as well so it's not a good match unfortunately.

Amps and CDP's from the NAD, Arcam, Creek, Rotel and Audiolab ranges would be a very good place to start. Roksan would also be worth checking out.

It'd be handy to know what music you generally listen to and also what your budget is?


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Jan 24, 2005
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Thanks for your quick response.

In terms of budget, I am looking for a good match with the MA RS6s and am, in a way, pleased to hear that the Cyrus are not a match as they are more than I really wanted to pay at £900 each! A realistic budget is in the order of £500 to £600 each for a new amp and CD player.

My Yamaha Amp has an intermittent fault on the right hand channel (been OK for a few weeks now), so your comments about getting a new amp first comfirms my way forward!

Thanks again, I will explore your suggestions.


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Jan 24, 2005
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Thanks for your quick response, too.

I like a wide range of music such as Beatles, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Rick Wakeman, Christy Moore, Stacey Kent, Carla Bruni and Classical Music and more modern Jazz e.g. EST, Dave Brubeck and loads more!


Thanks for your quick response.

In terms of budget, I am looking for a good match with the MA RS6s and am, in a way, pleased to hear that the Cyrus are not a match as they are more than I really wanted to pay at £900 each! A realistic budget is in the order of £500 to £600 each for a new amp and CD player.

My Yamaha Amp has an intermittent fault on the right hand channel (been OK for a few weeks now), so your comments about getting a new amp first comfirms my way forward!

Thanks again, I will explore your suggestions.

No probs - just over a week ago, I tested the latest incarnation of the Creek Evo (MKII version), and I was very impressed with the synergy with the RS6s. It was a well balance combo, lacking "in your face" aggression that some amps can demonstrate. Yet, the detail in the top-end was for the money; the bass tight and fast. My only reservation about the Creek was the midrange sounded a little muddled. However, it was a brand new machine, so I think once it had a couple of days of running I'm sure the midband would open up. It does retail at £650, but with a little haggle you could probably get it down by £50.

Otherwise, the tried and trusted Arcam amps (DIVA range rather than the new FMJs) will produce a fabulously, well organised, detailed sound.

Take your pick, once you've listened to Arcam and Creek side-by-side.


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Sep 6, 2007
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With your budget I'd whole heartedly recommend you look at the likes of the Arcam FMJ A28 integrated amp; NAD C355BEE integrated amp, Rotel RA-06SE integrated amp; Creek Evo II integrated ampm and even the Audiolab 8000S integrated and possibly paired with the Audiolab 8000P power amp.

As for CDP wise I think the Rega Apollo, NAD C545BEE and the Audiolab CDP would be worth looking at.

As for speakers cable; I found that Chord speaker cables worked a lot better with the M/A RS6's rather than QED and the same with interconnects

If you were happy to look at 2nd hand items then the likes of the Arcam DiVA A85 integrated amp, Roksan Kandy LIII integrated amp or possibly the Arcam FMJ A32 integrated amps would be very good indeed; as would the Arcam CD192 CDP or a 2nd hand Rega Apollo/Saturn CDP


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Nov 18, 2007
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RS6 Folks:

What you think of 640 paired with RS6, i mean yes i have it, but sound seems good and bass am not at all sure how i can describe; anyone who listened or have 640 combo with RS6 explain if they are a match ? coz have seen arcam, creek, nad, advised for RS6 and not at all CA (except Gerrards who has 840).

OP - sorry for little hijack.



The CA gear can be a bit forward and clinical. I had the 640 pairing with MA speakers, and then changed the amp, and it sounded more rounded. Everyone likes a different sound though.