Monitor audio rs1 or Q Acoustics Concept 20?


New member
Dec 28, 2013
Hi guys.

Need a bit of expert advice.

I have had my monitor audio rs1 for a couple of years and i want something new and better now. im thinkin bout the
Q Acoustics Concept 20. What do you guys think? are they better? i hope. they are certainly newer and has nice reviews? Hope u can help. Christian
All I can say is that I too was looking at the concept 20's. I took my equipment in to a shop to test these but was disappointed with the level of bass and fullness. I do not think they are bad at all, however they are what they are......bookshelf speakers. I went for the B&W 683's instead, as I got a very good deal and found them to fill the room with a lot more sound. Yes they are more expensive but I'd rather wait and spend a little more for something I intend to have for another 20 years! Having said this, I thought the concept 20's were very well made and very stylish. Haven't heard the Monitor Audio's so I can't comment on those. The concept 20's seem to be well priced but I just wonder how long it will be before you're on the search for something a bit better.

Hope that helps.
Thanx guys for the answers.

Im looking to improve the clearness, crispyness and want the airy soundfeeling. Im not trying to improve the bass.

My setup is an yamaha surround amp and the speakers are positioned in the bookshelf, i know they maybe sound a bit better on stands, but what the heck.

Please help with more comments on which speaker is the best???
OK, in that case I think you may be on the right track with the Concept 20s which are quite exceptional in terms of clarity and should be an improvement on the RS1s in the aspects you mention. The only other speakers I can think of that I would want to own below £500 are the Dali Zensor 3s, which are probably a bit too large if you are using them in a bookshelf, or the Dali Zensor 1s (also worth you trying, in spite of their low price). Of course, you won't get the best out of any speaker with that positioning and one of the things a good solid pair of stands are going to give you is the airier sound you are seeking.

However, if it has to be the bookshelf, I'd suggest the gelcore construction of the Qs might be the best way to go.
but then you've got to add at least another 150 quid to get decent enough stands which brings the price up to afford a good pair of floor standing speakers, such as the Dali Zensor 5. Small floor speakers with a good sound and I thought they were better than the concept 20's. I tested them both two weeks ago.
I've gone from Bowers & Wilkins 603S3 speakers, which are large and really do 'go loud and low' to the Concept 20's. The clarity and the defenition of each instrument in the mix are much much better. Each instrument can be picked out when listening. The trade off is that the Concept 20s are not as 'loud and low'. They do produce bass really well, but they just don't shake the room like my old B&W's!

I really like them, but sometimes I hanker after more bass. On acoustic, vocal and minimal electronic music they really shine. But on poorly produced / low bit rate music they do show all the faults of the music.

I don't have the special stands, just normal stands.

If you purchase them directly from Q Acoustics, you get a 30 day money back offer.
Chr78, I'll politely disagree with some here to say I think you'll be making a mostly sideways step. I'm guessing you're in a smallish room? What amplification do you have?

I'm not saying the Concept 20s are not better than the RS1, but I'm giving advice from experience - I'm on my fourth speaker now, and in a smallish room - where the laws of diminishing returns are more brutal.
Chr78 said:
Hi guys.

Need a bit of expert advice.

I have had my monitor audio rs1 for a couple of years and i want something new and better now. im thinkin bout the
Q Acoustics Concept 20. What do you guys think? are they better? i hope. they are certainly newer and has nice reviews? Hope u can help. Christian

I'd also be inclined to consider the Cambridge Audio Aero 2 - £350. They look like interesting speakers, albeit quite a large standmount. Not unattractive though.
the record spot said:
I'd also be inclined to consider the Cambridge Audio Aero 2 - £350. They look like interesting speakers, albeit quite a large standmount. Not unattractive though.

Agreed, WHF gave the entire package a glowing review, HiFi Choice praised the Aero 2s highly, and the cherry on the top is that they're sensitive, don't need masses of power, and can be placed easily.

Also, if my experience of the Minx cubes are to go by - hand-on-heart I found them more open than my RX1s with a bigger soundstage, those BMR drivers are brilliant.

In fact, with all the attention the Concept 20s are getting in this price range, I think the Aero 2s might be the dark horse that some ignore to their peril.


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