miniature vs larger standmounts


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Aug 10, 2019
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Evening all. Just a musing if you''ll permit. I'll be demoing a few speakers next week ( proac 110, PMC TB2i, proc tab ref 8 sig and proac response 1sc). Was wondering if you could enlighten me on a few things. Basically what i want is a speaker to produce a sound large enough to fill a medium sized room whilst retaining fantastic clarity, flat response etc etc. I definitely need it to produce good bass also (i dont want a sub). Im willing to sacrifice to a small degree better imaging that may come from a miniature speaker if my other requirements are met. My way of thinking is (and its here i may need to be corrected!) is that as good as the ref 8 and response 1sc are they cannot provide me the 'largeness' of sound im looking for ( smaller drivers, smaller cabinets = compromised low frequencies, small box sound). Thats why i m leaning towards the proac110 and tb2i pre-audition. However i note that the resposse sc1 is 400 /200 quid more expensive than the studio 110 and PMCs. Is the quality of the materials / sound that much better?? Or is it a premium to be paid for the tablette format (made for aesthetic reasons)?? I guess i just dont want to buy the larger standmount with something telling me the tablettes are better quality!!!) of course my ears will decide. i think the larger 110s or TB2i wil win! thanks for your help in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Jan 18, 2008
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[quote user="JAXON5"]Thats why i m leaning towards the proac110 and tb2i pre-audition. However i note that the resposse sc1 is 400 /200 quid more expensive than the studio 110 and PMCs. Is the quality of the materials / sound that much better?? Or is it a premium to be paid for the tablette format (made for aesthetic reasons)?? I guess i just dont want to buy the larger standmount with something telling me the tablettes are better quality!!!) [/quote]

Disagree. The Studio series are fantastic speakers. Not as bijou but there's no substitute for size. Of course I'm not saying the tablette's are not ok but unless you have limited room audition the 110's and save yourself some money in the process.


Thanks to you both. ill check them out and let you know what i do.

John Duncan

Well-known member
[quote user="drummerman"]
[quote user="JAXON5"]Thats why i m leaning towards the proac110 and tb2i pre-audition. However i note that the resposse sc1 is 400 /200 quid more expensive than the studio 110 and PMCs. Is the quality of the materials / sound that much better?? Or is it a premium to be paid for the tablette format (made for aesthetic reasons)?? I guess i just dont want to buy the larger standmount with something telling me the tablettes are better quality!!!) [/quote]


Disagree. The Studio series are fantastic speakers. Not as bijou but there's no substitute for size. Of course I'm not saying the tablette's are notÿok but unless you have limited room audition the 110's and save yourself some money in the process.

I'm with DM here - I like the Reference 8 Sig and my own DB1s because they give me what I do need (imaging) without too much of what I don't (bass in a small room). As you say you'll forego the imaging, I suspect larger boxes will suit better. Lots of buzz about Spendor at the moment though, if you want to add them to your list............


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Jan 18, 2008
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[quote user="JohnDuncan"]Lots of buzz about Spendor at the moment though, if you want to add them to your list............[/quote]

Are you trying to convince us or yourself Mr. Duncan? You've had your eyes on Iggs Spendors for a while now ...


[quote user="JohnDuncan"]Both - have seen spectacular reviews of the SA1 and S3/5r elsewhere. And the SA1 looks amazing in that zebrano veneer. Am almost scared to audition them

Just make sure you get the matching zebra stands and a matching zebra rug. AND to top it all off a leopard skin couch (fake) for you to lounge on whilst enjoying the music! :)


I feel it my moral obligation to say that the Spendors don't do deep bass in any way whatsoever...but the imaging is excellent... ;-)

Buy now and get a zebra skin insulator interconnect...helps with the contrast apparently...


hi. Finally booked in an audition with the proac studio 110s on wednesday. Will be demo(ing) against the tab 8 ref sigs, response 1scs and dynaudios ( focus 140). will post the outcome here. watch this space!!!


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