I'm curious...looking at this Yamaha mini system<br/>: https://europe.yamaha.com/en/products/audio_visual/hifi_systems/mcr-n870d/?mode=model Quote from one of the reviews for the amplification part:"The A-U670 is rated to deliver a maximum of 70W per channel at 1kHz into 6 ohm load at 10% THD, with a frequency response of 10 Hz – 40 kHz (+/-3dB). At 30W per channel, that distortion figure drops to 0.05% which is a far more acceptable value. It is for this reason that i prefer to think of the A-U670 as a 30W per channel amplifier, and it is that value I’d advise you take into account when choosing a matching pair of speakers." Ok, at 70w is garbage and used only to brag about maximum power, but at 30 W with 0,05% looks pretty legit? Let's compare it with something from few classes above:https://europe.yamaha.com/en/products/audio_visual/hifi_components/a-s1100_g/index.html I know they're different classes, prices and basically uncomparable, but humor me...in average living room (50sq m/500sq ft) at neighbour friendly volume levels, how many difference can be percived?Could your wife tell a difference in blind test ? Also, since most of the time only few watts are used (again, in average Joe's home, not stadium concert), would it be possible to drive, e.g. some SHL5 Harbeths with this small Yamaha ? If not, what would be the "biggest" loudspeaker this guy could handle? Cheers!