Marantz unreliable ?


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Feb 2, 2009
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Anyone else had reliability problems with Marantz stuff,My CD player makes ticking sounds with most discs (not all) and the disc can be heard spinning even when the music is on ,albiet quiet parts, it really is more noisy than my old sony xb740,also it sometimes fails to read a disc and displays 'PMA' on the display,stopping a disc and starting it or opening the CD drawer seems to cure it ,its seems to be getting a little worse now,the CD is the 7300 and it is now out of warranty by 2 years. Now the left channel on my cd input on my 7001 amp cuts off a lot,it's not the interconnects as I have tried another ,tapping the amp or moving the interconnects makes it work for a while,I think its a dry joint on the cd input board,the amp is only 3 years old. The amp could be fixed easily no doubt ,as for the CD player,well that could be a character of that transport system,if so a new CD player is on the cards and it will not be Marantz,what player for around £200 would gel well with the 7001 and AE evo3 ? And spins discs quietly!



only time i've heard discs spinning was on my dvd player where the outside of the disc came out with rings lightly scratched in it.

I hope the same isn't happen to you, but i'd check the discs just incase.


On the contrary, my Marantz kit from the past have always been reliable, like a Japanese car. I've had quite a few of them...


Never had any trouble withMarantz kit, hoping im not tempting fate,fingers crossed.


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Feb 2, 2009
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Thats the thing !... my CD7300 looks like it is built well ,it has a heavy metal chassis and brushed aluminum fascia etc., and sounds quite good, its even made in Japan ,not china or korea etc where most hifi stuff is made now,but still I have reservations about Marantz stuff now,a relation of mine had a PM57 amp which kept tripping out,the relays in the amp where faulty I think. Now my amp is faulty plus the noisy CD transport makes me wonder about long term reliability. Tried my old sony xb720,very quiet and always reads the discs. Sound wise its a little thinner compared to my Marantz. Maybee I should have gone NAD


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NAD CD players can be brittle mechanically. I have a C521BEE which has seen only average use and it can be temperemental. The mechanism is quite noisy on that too.

Most CD players create more mechanical noise than they should. The Arcam CD73 can be quite chattery, and any SACD player mech seems to create some noise. I've always been quite prone to hearing it because I listen to a lot of solo piano music.

I believe the new Yamaha mechs are incredible in terms of their lack of mechanical noise.


Just my 2 cents but all of the problems experienced with cd players only point to an even bigger reason to rip cd's to wav or another lossless format and enjoy music noise free, mechanical glitch free and in glorious sound quality. I respect that some people are quite happy to keep with cd players but it seems counter productive to stick to something which is temperamental, surely it impairs the enjoyment you should be getting.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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hi fi newbie:Just my 2 cents but all of the problems experienced with cd players only point to an even bigger reason to rip cd's to wav or another lossless format and enjoy music noise free,

For every 'noisy' CD player there's a PC/laptop/PS3 with a crunchy hard-drive/whirring fan...


Well-known member
Clare Newsome:
hi fi newbie:Just my 2 cents but all of the problems experienced with cd players only point to an even bigger reason to rip cd's to wav or another lossless format and enjoy music noise free,

For every 'noisy' CD player there's a PC/laptop/PS3 with a crunchy hard-drive/whirring fan...

I can't understand anyone using a PS3 for hi-fi listening. They are just too noisy by far.


matthewpiano:Clare Newsome:
hi fi newbie:Just my 2 cents but all of the problems experienced with cd players only point to an even bigger reason to rip cd's to wav or another lossless format and enjoy music noise free,

For every 'noisy' CD player there's a PC/laptop/PS3 with a crunchy hard-drive/whirring fan...

I can't understand anyone using a PS3 for hi-fi listening. They are just too noisy by far.

the ps3 fan barely makes any noise, if i listen to something at barely listenable level from more than 5 feet away, i can not hear anything and when I am listening at normal listening levels, not a thing. That is more than can be said for something which is temperamental and has a prominent noise level. However I take claires point about listening through a pc, my pc would be the last thing I would want to listen to music through, the fan whirring is so noisy.

the record spot

Big Marantz fan/owner over the years here - nil problems to date. Sorry to hear of your hassles.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
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The noise of the fan on my pc is more annoying than the clicking CD 7300,Its a shame really the Marantz is a well focused and detailed player with a nice sheen to the sound, but I cant live with the clicking and 'will it or wont it 'play the disc. The amp too will have to be repaired. I might get a soldering iron and have do myself ,but I am worried I will fry a transistor or two


I 've had my cd67 mkII since 1998 and it's still like new, never had problems of any kind. Same for my old PM68 amp.


My CD7300 ticks as well. I've not been thorough enough to systematically test whether one disc ticks sometimes but not at other times (I think they do). Some listening sessions appear to be tick-free, but sometimes I can't get rid of the tick no matter what disc I try. My last Marantz had the same tick, both machines started their life tick free.

I think the CD 7300 is still an OK player, and with a bit of volume the tick magically disappears!


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