Anyone else had reliability problems with Marantz stuff,My CD player makes ticking sounds with most discs (not all) and the disc can be heard spinning even when the music is on ,albiet quiet parts, it really is more noisy than my old sony xb740,also it sometimes fails to read a disc and displays 'PMA' on the display,stopping a disc and starting it or opening the CD drawer seems to cure it ,its seems to be getting a little worse now,the CD is the 7300 and it is now out of warranty by 2 years. Now the left channel on my cd input on my 7001 amp cuts off a lot,it's not the interconnects as I have tried another ,tapping the amp or moving the interconnects makes it work for a while,I think its a dry joint on the cd input board,the amp is only 3 years old. The amp could be fixed easily no doubt ,as for the CD player,well that could be a character of that transport system,if so a new CD player is on the cards and it will not be Marantz,what player for around £200 would gel well with the 7001 and AE evo3 ? And spins discs quietly!