Marantz PM7001 KI


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have found a good deal on the above amplifier. Has anyone auditioned it, is it well regarded?

It would be partnered with my existing cdp and speakers (Marantz cd6002 and monitor audio br2).

Presumably it would be necessary to upgrade the speakers to get the best out of it? Which speakers would people recommending auditioning with it?
Haven't heard the KI, but the cooking 7001 is an underrated gem. Add this to the fact that I tend to eschew the usual recommended budget constraints (relative to other components) when it comes to speakers, I think you could spend a lot of money on a loudspeaker to good effect - if you can afford up to a grand I'm sure we can help with some contenders......
I could probably manage up to a grand in the long term but would not be able to spend that sort of money now. Would the pm7001ki be a worthwile upgrade from my current pm6002 for now leaving the speaker upgrade for the future?
oooo the 'Post' button disappeared for a minute there - are we deploying code to production servers on the fly, gentlemen?


Well, like I say, I haven't heard the KI, but given the choice, I'd rather have the 6002 with a 500 quid pair of speakers than the 7001 with the BR2s. Does that make sense?
I have heard the 7001KI with Cyrus8 cd player and a pair of Dynaudio Focus 110, sound superb together that put some of the double price Highend system in to shame!
The BR2's, as good as they are (I had a pair of B2 and loved 'em) have a limit to their performance and the 7001 amp won't make a great deal of difference to them over his current amp, imo.
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]
oooo the 'Post' button disappeared for a minute there - are we deploying code to production servers on the fly, gentlemen?


Well, like I say, I haven't heard the KI, but given the choice, I'd rather have the 6002 with a 500 quid pair of speakers than the 7001 with the BR2s. Does that make sense?


It does and I agree but then he did say he would have a good deal on the 7001KI. I dont know what a good deal means to you but if you get it for the price of the standard 7001 its certainly worth it. Otherwise I would not bother with that particular KI as the bread and butter version is very good but then so is your 6002 and any quality gain is relatively small. Does that make any sense?
Tend to agree. I think the CTU (cost to upgrade) of the 7001KI (let's call it 450 quid), when added to 100 quid resale for the BR2s, would get you a nice loudspeaker (think AVI Neutron IV, B&W CM1, PMC DB1+ end-of-line stock), and a better sounding system. YMMV.
[quote user="drummerman"]
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]
oooo the 'Post' button disappeared for a minute there - are we deploying code to production servers on the fly, gentlemen?


Well, like I say, I haven't heard the KI, but given the choice, I'd rather have the 6002 with a 500 quid pair of speakers than the 7001 with the BR2s. Does that make sense?


I dont know what a good deal means to you but if you get it for the price of the standard 7001 its certainly worth it.[/quote]Oh yeah - if that's the case, where is it and I'll buy it
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]
Tend to agree. I think the CTU (cost to upgrade) of the 7001KI (let's call it 450 quid), when added to 100 quid resale for the BR2s, would get you a nice loudspeaker (think AVI Neutron IV, B&W CM1, PMC DB1+ end-of-line stock), and a better sounding system. YMMV.

You forgot the best speaker up to £500 ...
Yet another amazing Marantz amp I didn't know existed and will never hear!

I need to write another hatemail to Marantz Canada...
Almost but a good bet too. Rega R3. With regards to the KI, I dont have the RRP in my head but I think the standard one is about £350. So if the KI is available for £400 its a good deal imo. Any more and I would'nt bother, it gets to close to cyrus and naim ex/dem prices.
[quote user="hifibob"]
It is on offer for £399.

Where from may I ask? Marantz make bloomin good vfm products.
Thanks for all of the replies. I think I will go for it while the offer lasts and upgrade the speakers when funds permit.

The offer is at sevenoaks, southampton.
I have now auditioned and bought this amp. I am really pleased it has brought some warmth and more pronnounced and better defined bass to the system. It seems to have brought some of the warmth and soundstage that I experienced with vinyl to cd playback without making vinyl playback too warm. I can't wait to see what it can do when I upgrade to better speakers than the br2s.

The next question is what speakers should I audition for less than a grand.

Marantz CD6002, Marantz PM7001KI, Monitor Audio BR2, Project Debut SB Phono.
Cool, good buy.

Well the best one I've heard is the ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signature, though there are plenty of others - PMC, other ProAcs, AVI, Totem, the new Spendor S3a/5 (?). That sort of thing. My preference is for standmounters, others can help with floorstanders probably.
You've purchased a very good amp at an even better price. With regards to speakers I'd recommend the usual stuff, Epos or Rega.

Whilst I like the 7001 (and other marantz products) I find they sometimes lack a bit of focus but in turn have that beautiful, smooth and airy mid and treble. Because of that I'd be inclined to find a speaker with good focus ie. central image rather than one with a wide soundstage which marantzes tend to have anyhow. Enjoy your system.
[quote user="drummerman"]

Whilst I like the 7001 (and other marantz products) I find they sometimes
lack a bit of focus but in turn have that beautiful, smooth and airy mid and
treble. Because of that I'd be inclined to find a speaker with good focus ie.
central image rather than one with a wide soundstage which marantzes tend
to have anyhow. Enjoy your system.

I didn't spot that with the 7001 but DM may know it better than I do, having only had an hour with it, but if he's right about soundstage (I didn't notice it being a problem) then the Reference 8 Signature I mentioned above has more focus than Ford.


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