Marantz MCR603 OR MCR610 ?

For some reason my comments were not added in my first post above !

I have just bought today online one of the very last mcr603 systems, as a package with dali zensor 1 speakers all in black £549, and have just noticed that else where for just £35 more could buy the same package but with the new mcr610, as I could still cancel/change/return my product wanted to know which system you would buy and which sounds slightly better ?
I'd be very suprised if they sounded any different.

M-CR610 if you need to play FLAC 24 bit 192kHz files. (And supports gapless on any non AirPlay content.)

Otherwise the M-CR603 looks better and has an attractive metal case wih radiused corners whereas the M-CR610 (IMO) looks dreadful and has an all plastic case and fascia.

I don't use a NAS (I stream wirelessly via AirPlay which supports gapless from all of my devices) and I don't have - or need - any 24bit 192kHz content so I am content with my M-CR603.
Hi,having owned both ,there's very little difference sound wise,the 603 is better built,the 610 has spotify built in and wifi , it also has gap less playback,was the 603 new or clearance stock?
I am surprised that there was only £35 difference as the 603 is available for £300 from richer sounds and the Zenzors for £199 or £585 for the 610 with the same speakers. I bought the 603 not only to save £15 but also i need over the air based AM radio which the 610 doesnt have. I am playing my 603 through kef iq5 SE speakers and it sounds lovely.
Snooker said:
For some reason my comments were not added in my first post above !

I have just bought today online one of the very last mcr603 systems, as a package with dali zensor 1 speakers all in black £549, and have just noticed that else where for just £35 more could buy the same package but with the new mcr610, as I could still cancel/change/return my product wanted to know which system you would buy and which sounds slightly better ?
i would make them price match and save another £50 imho
Thanks for all the replies above, and yes the mcr603 is brand new, so the mcr603 is made of metal and the mcr610 plastic but both sound about the same, thanks, I did not originally like the look of the new mcr610 but in just black think it actually looks quite good

I know airplay is some sort of apple wi-fi so you can stream from say an ipad/iphone, but am I right in saying that an android phone can get an app for airplay as well ?
Thanks Chebby for all your help

I currently have a Denon DM37 which has a few known issues like, the volume control steps which jump in volume around position 11, and that sometimes mains hum can be heard through the headphones, and that the bass sound is a little boomy, so hopefully with the Marantz I will not have these problems anymore and that the Marantz is a good step up from my current system regarding all round sound quality
Snooker said:
Thanks Chebby for all your help

I currently have a Denon DM37 which has a few known issues like, the volume control steps which jump in volume around position 11, and that sometimes mains hum can be heard through the headphones, and that the bass sound is a little boomy, so hopefully with the Marantz I will not have these problems anymore and that the Marantz is a good step up from my current system regarding all round sound quality

I can personally testify that the 603 is a significant step up from the 37, and as Chebby and others will testify it can be used with some serious speakers so you have a nice little upgrade path there for the future.

Enjoy! :cheers:
Do you need the new features offered by new version or not?

If you need those features you can consider it. Otherwise keep the 603
With the new mcr610 where the front curves around to meet the sides, does it fit flush with the side or according to the pictures I have seen is the thickness of the side panel protruding, if you know what I mean, its just I want to make the right choice now if possible with out returning anything, thanks ?

( If the sides do not bulge out where they meet the curved corner then I may well prefer the design of the new unit )
If the bulges are like the rest of the Marantz range then they can be removed quite easily.
Out of the two, I would go for the 610 personally. I agree that the 603 is better built, but I think the 610 looks nice in the black and silver finish, and the ability to offer gapless playback is a huge step forward IMO. I suppose it depends what music you listen to, but much of the progressive rock, folk, and classical stuff I like needs the gapless feature!
Good point about the gapless music, as I need to make sure I buy the right unit and not feel I should have bought something else instead, as I do not have much money

I have one more question related to this thread:-

What do you think of the Denon ceol N8 with dali zensor 1 speakers instead of the Marantz, this Denon unit also plays gapless music, I have heard on this site that the ceol N8 is about the same in sound quality as the Marantz, what do you think, only difference does not have Dab, but I could use internet radio instead (also this package would be £100 cheaper) ?
After looking at other information on this site and the internet generally have now decided to cancel my order for the Marantz mcr603, and go for the Denon ceol N8 with dali zensor 1 speakers

Why, because it is £100 less in cost with more or less the same sound quality, and it plays gapless, and because I think it looks better than the other two marantz systems

Thanks for all your replies and help 🙂


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