marantz M CR610 ou (marantz PM6005 + yamaha cd n500)


New member
Mar 13, 2014

what is the best stereo system according to you: marantz M CR610 ou (marantz PM6005 + yamaha cd n500), is there a real difference in sound quality?

i think should be PM6005 + yammy cd

my friend bought mcr610 and at home i tested with my old NAD C320 and my existing rotel RA06. Both amps are better than MCR610.

Make no mistake, MCR610 is good but i think separates are better.

do audition. The dealer may have both MCR and PM6005.
On the other hand we have a user on this forum who uses a 603 in place of Naim separates and he said the SQ difference was small enough to be justified by the convenience.
MajorFubar said:
On the other hand we have a user on this forum who uses a 603 in place of Naim separates and he said the SQ difference was small enough to be justified by the convenience.

Actually the 'user' in question would be keen to stress that - although the convenience was an important factor - the fun of the last three years with the M-CR603 has more than justified the change from his Naim separates and continues to do so.

It aso important to note that he never intended to audition his M-CR603 against any other separates (he didn't want separates ever again) whereas the OP is prepared to do so. This makes it a different situation for the OP and he must listen for himself and decide based on his own priorities.


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